Of course - I came to hit a few very large hurdles along the way; my biggest being a severe bout of mental health issues; depression, anxiety and an eating disorder. All of which I have definitely learnt a lot from (and of course, has become a goal of mine to make sure each of you do not follow down that same dark and un-memorable path!). Much research suggests that a perfectionist or 'Type A' personality person tends to be at higher risk of developing these horrible illness', which seem to stem from doing everything so perfectly that you start to feel unfulfilled and out of control.
Recently - I feel as if my life has come to a stand still. I have achieved a lot that I am proud of and experienced many amazing memories of which many people may never get to experience. For those - I am very proud and content about. However, I feel that after all the direction, goals, commitment, sacrifices, differing priorities to many of my friends and craving for achievement and recognition; I have somehow missed perhaps the biggest and most important pieces of my life puzzle.
For so long - my life has been about making my mark on the world - which I still want to do!!!
Of course - I have some brilliant friends, and I do love a great coffee or brunch catch up with the girls, but it suddenly dawned on me - am I ever going to have a life companion and be able to start the family I always imagined I would have before I am 30!!?? When the weekend comes, and your friends are all busy with their own families or partner, it is quite daunting to think that somewhere along the lines, you may have missed your chance to have the same thing?
I feel as if I have pushed people away for so long in my quest to achieve my goals or daily tasks, that I have forgotten how to trust, love and be 'flexible' or spontaneous with people.
I think I am at a point where I need someone to just 'be there'.
According to http://thefuckitlife.com/, a humorous look at just saying "F**k it" to the world and all the 'supposed problems' we are supposed to come across, sometimes all you need to look at is what you have, how you feel and if it doesn't bother you to do what you actually want to do, then do it!! Who cares what the world thinks!!
The problems with the 'pre- thirty years'!!! Maybe it's just easier to pack up and travel the world again!!
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