Of course, the sight-seeing, the friendships made, the once in a life-time experiences and the immersion amongst many different cultures was amazing, and something I would recommend to everyone!! However, the process of getting back into a routine with consistent full time work, as well as having an over-sized handful of epiphanies about new career paths or new business ventures has been more difficult than I first envisaged.
However, at the same time, and I'm sure for many 'post-travellers' they feel the same - a sense of being lost in a big world where routine, connectedness and purpose are the centre-pieces for an adult life.
The first few weeks apon arriving home from overseas, I think I caught up with more people than I had seen even before I went away. It made me appreciate the friendships I did have and want to re-kindle those long-lost soul mates who made us all who we are today. You are the happiest you have been in months! However, after all the fun and fanfare resides - you realise that everyone falls back into their own lives while you are left with no job or sense of direction!!
- Brainstorm your interests, your strengths, your weakness' and come up with a list of traits which make you who you are. Use these traits to research possible career paths (or if you're really keen - decide which kind of small business that inner entrepreneur wants to 'dabble in'!).
- Seek the help and support of friends and family to remind you that you are not lost at all. They will always be here, you have a million amazing things about you that were there before you left for overseas. Believe it or not, they are still there and will continue to be there for the rest of your life. You are who you are; every brilliant piece!!
- Use the spare time to try out a few different casual jobs to see what does interest you. It's a great time to not feel the pressure of having to stay with a job you like - and be able to leave whenever you change your mind about what exactly it is you ant to do. It doesn't mean you will be working in short term , casual roles for the rest of your life - but rather using the near future to get a feel for the types of industry that interest you.
At the end of the day - you will end up being where you want to be, doing the things you want to do. Those first few months home are always the hardest and it does take some strength to keep you pointing in a positive direction, or even remaining in a positive mindset! But you will get back to having 'your awesome life' back, which is often more awesome than it was before because you've travelled and grown as a person who has so many life-long memories and experiences locked away forever!
Round two of life - here you come!!!
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