Saturday, 26 March 2016

Busy - but not overwhelmed - coping when times can feel 'too much'.

For the past few months, I’ve felt busy.

Busy in the sense that I feel out of control. I set my alarm for 5am just so I can get everything I feel that I need to do in the day done.
I wake up during the night thinking of the list of things that I have to do over the coming week, or something that I said I would do yesterday but forgot.
I feel that I spend my precious time with family or friends feeling ‘on edge’ thinking about the things I should be doing instead or the time I am away from my computer NOT doing work or things that I feel are giving my time a sense of ‘stature or achievement’.
I feel busy when I’m meditating or doing my power flow vinyasa next to the window of my large, white (but messy) bedroom.
I feel like I don’t have time to do the washing, unpack my bags, hang the washing out, clean the car, do the groceries, stop for coffee, finish my work deadlines, pick up my step son from school, go for an afternoon run, cook healthy wholesome foods and start working on my next project (which – I am actually hanging to do, I am too busy to be passionate!).

That was me last year…..and if I’m honest – me when life sometimes gets on top of me, which thankfully, isn’t anywhere near as often as it used to!

Somewhere along the lines of the past few months, I feel as if my being has transformed. My focus has narrowed.
My day isn’t centred around what to do next or what I didn’t do yesterday – but rather a feeling of what is around me now and what I would like to do in this present moment.
My head isn’t over-run by a crazy little witch screeching “Agh you stupid woman – you don’t have time for this. This won’t help you be a success. You are not achieving anything here. You should be doing……..”.
I have clarity. I feel as if everything is happening as it should – and if those things that I planned to be happening are not, then it either will unfold in due course, OR I focus without anxiety or tension on the next way to turn.
I wake up with purpose, knowing that I am LIVING my life. Not letting each day pass as if it’s a sprint race, and feeling as if I haven’t had water or sustenance for years – I have energy!

My headaches, re-occuring sore throat and ‘non-present personality’ seemingly do not even exist.
I feel as if I have completed some sort of detox and lived on abundant amounts of fresh vegetable juices and swam in the clearest salt waters of a spa retreat.

The key to this change?
Being aware of my own thoughts, my own ‘internally-created’ limitations and fears and realising that they are nothing more than an emotional response.
Now that I have learnt to recognise my patterns – and let me tell you, this did NOT happen after reading a couple of novels by academics in the area of mindfulness, but it took practise and support.

I make decisions and do not let things manifest to the point of tears every two weeks (much to the detriment and confusion of my fiancée!).
I run because I love to run and soak in the fresh morning air, not because I am running away from me.
I feel full of energy – because I don’t have to argue and face the questioning and argumentative ‘should-er’ inside my head.
I live my moments, each and every one of them because I choose to – I let them and let myself see the amazing parts of them.

Learn to have a relationship with yourself again.
Gain your energy back to that teenage girl you used to be who stayed up throughout the night only to wake up and bounce around the shopping malls or lecture theatre the next day.
Discover how to give yourself more time in the day; doing less, but achieving MORE and have time to do the things that matter most to YOU.

Let’s chat – you aren’t alone and there IS a path back to sanity, exuberance, strength and vitality, I can show you.

Ashlee is a highly effective and successful health, Wellness & Lifestyle Coach, who oozes positivity and warmth. She has worked with a variety of clients (Check out the testimonials page on her website) and has seen great success from even the most unsuspecting women.

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