How many times have you held yourself back from an opportunity, situation or idea just because you though you might fail?
I know that I've been a culprit of it before! But the interesting thing is - as much as we try to subconsciously tell ourselves that something bad will happen if we don't succeed in whatever endeavour we are trying to achieve, that 'bad thing' is never as bad as we thought it would be.
If we are always holding ourselves back from attempting new things, how will we ever grow? Achieve? Succeed? And continue to expand our goals or dreams?
These situations can range from asking you boss for a pay rise, changing careers or jobs, dropping everything to travel the world, asking that ridiculously good looking guy if he fancies a coffee or even giving a new skill or hobby a go. But each of these situations as just as important, and potentially life changing as the next.
Think about a moment in your life when you wanted to try something new. Do you also remember a time when you actually gave it a go and it turned out to be one of the best decisions you have ever made? Now think of that and remember that satisfied feeling when you start to feel the 'nerves of change' start to creep up through your veins!
Next time you find yourself looking at a situation that is making you anxious enough to feel as if you shouldn't be doing it, think about the following.
- Try to picture the worst possible outcomes that could occur if you go ahead with what you wanted to do.
- Now, picture the best possible outcomes that could occur.
- Now - look back at the worst possible outcomes thinking about the likelihood that they will occur. Even if they do occur, will it really be that bad? If your boss says 'no' to that pay rise, will that damage your future in your chosen profession? I think not.
The big thing is remembering that even if whatever it is you attempt doesn't quite work out perfectly, just take a second to have a look at what you learnt from it. You may have discovered more about yourself; likes, dislikes, strengths and weakness'. You may have found yourself in a position you never imagined, but a position which you are more satisfied with than you planned!
Life is full of risks. If we never take them, living in the fear that we will fail and 'life will fall in a heap' is no way to explore the magic and potential of the world.
Taking risks builds your confidence in yourself, and shows you that you actually are strong enough to achieve the things you set for yourself.
Why not? I dare you! Xxx
Wednesday, 18 December 2013
Sunday, 15 December 2013
Fit, healthy & happy...not just weight loss!!
After recently reading through some very well known women's health and fitness magazines, I found myself reading a story on how great the magazine is; that it represents real, fit and healthy women...but then two pages later....and throughout the entire magazine, it doesn't really promote just being fit and healthy.
When every few pages, the headline article is about the fastest way to lose weight, or the best exercises to 'banish fat' from your problem areas.....girls - what does that make you think about? Of course - there is that pressure from society - subtle, but just enough to turn your subconscious thoughts and level of self esteem into over-drive!
The thing about being fit and healthy, is that you DO NOT have to look a certain way.
The negative effects of that 'extra pressure' to be thin are known now - and it has some devastating effects. Some, sadly even fatal.
Being fit and healthy means having an abundance of energy, to feel amazing and confident in who you are as a person, to have be able to complete the goals you set yourself; be it a fun run, a hike, or to be able to complete a whole boot camp session without feeling like you're going to die!!!! (Oh yes - I hear you!).
We all know that being active and eating a wide range of nutritious foods (well, at least most of the time!), reduces our risk of a long list of lifestyle related diseases. These include mental health illness', cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and even arthritis to name a few.
But if we are within a healthy weight range, feel strong, fit and feminine.....why is that pressure to focus on 'fat loss' remaining with such vigour in our society?
I so often find myself talking to smart, caring and infectiously bubbly, when the topic of conversation moves from what happened on the weekend or at work, to how hard it is to lose the extra kilograms off their bottom!
It is fine to have a goal to lose some weight, if you are slightly over the 'healthy range', particularly if it is causing other health problems.
But lets just stop for a minute and think about how fantastic it feels to raise that heart rate, sweat enough to re-fill the Nation's dams (and yes - it looks really lovely to your personal Trainer - as I keep telling myself!!), to have shapely and strong looking bodies and more importantly to not have to race to the scales as soon as you finish a workout.
If you feel amazing - you are amazing! Just please - do not be swayed to think that one of life's greatest ambitions should be to be a super model. I will just throw it out there - but out of the billions of women in the world, only about 15 are supermodels!!
Why take the focus from the undiscovered world around you, miss the beauty in your days and be unhappy for one silly thing?
take some time to reflect on the things that really matter in life. The goals and dreams you have, the people around you, and the brilliant woman you have and will continue to be.
You are gorgeous. Never forget that! Xx
When every few pages, the headline article is about the fastest way to lose weight, or the best exercises to 'banish fat' from your problem areas.....girls - what does that make you think about? Of course - there is that pressure from society - subtle, but just enough to turn your subconscious thoughts and level of self esteem into over-drive!
The thing about being fit and healthy, is that you DO NOT have to look a certain way.
The negative effects of that 'extra pressure' to be thin are known now - and it has some devastating effects. Some, sadly even fatal.
Being fit and healthy means having an abundance of energy, to feel amazing and confident in who you are as a person, to have be able to complete the goals you set yourself; be it a fun run, a hike, or to be able to complete a whole boot camp session without feeling like you're going to die!!!! (Oh yes - I hear you!).
We all know that being active and eating a wide range of nutritious foods (well, at least most of the time!), reduces our risk of a long list of lifestyle related diseases. These include mental health illness', cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and even arthritis to name a few.
But if we are within a healthy weight range, feel strong, fit and feminine.....why is that pressure to focus on 'fat loss' remaining with such vigour in our society?
I so often find myself talking to smart, caring and infectiously bubbly, when the topic of conversation moves from what happened on the weekend or at work, to how hard it is to lose the extra kilograms off their bottom!
It is fine to have a goal to lose some weight, if you are slightly over the 'healthy range', particularly if it is causing other health problems.
But lets just stop for a minute and think about how fantastic it feels to raise that heart rate, sweat enough to re-fill the Nation's dams (and yes - it looks really lovely to your personal Trainer - as I keep telling myself!!), to have shapely and strong looking bodies and more importantly to not have to race to the scales as soon as you finish a workout.
If you feel amazing - you are amazing! Just please - do not be swayed to think that one of life's greatest ambitions should be to be a super model. I will just throw it out there - but out of the billions of women in the world, only about 15 are supermodels!!
Why take the focus from the undiscovered world around you, miss the beauty in your days and be unhappy for one silly thing?
take some time to reflect on the things that really matter in life. The goals and dreams you have, the people around you, and the brilliant woman you have and will continue to be.
You are gorgeous. Never forget that! Xx
Sunday, 8 December 2013
Just be.....without question xx
I often find myself being in an amazingly and giggly happy state, but then thinking too much about it to the point where I question why I am actually really happy. What is the thing that I thought I was happy about is not really there? Or maybe it is? Am I really happy with what I am doing and will this feeling last?
It's funny how we find it so difficult to 'just be'. I - like many of you I'm sure are a serial 'over-thinker'. I am fine if I am busy, but as soon as I start to reflect or look at what I am doing or the situation around energetic and somewhat un-tamed mind starts to wander and imagine things that could potentially arise out of a great moment (good or bad).
However, I do give myself a pat on the back to say that this year in particular has been an amazing learning curve, where I can sit back and just take whatever is being thrown at me, and the feelings that pair it.
I have definitely learnt that life is full of ups and downs. Every year, every month and even every day you will find yourselves in moments of absolute elation; feeling as if you have just climbed mount Everest or have made one of the biggest achievement of your life. other times you will feel so flat that you find it hard to just get out of bed or jump in the shower.
Girls - this is life. Those moments of elation wouldn't be so intense if we didn't have those down moments to match it. Life is a rollercoaster, and one which we are constantly learning, growing and exploring every inch of life itself.
So next time you start to panic as you're mind decides there needs to be a reason for it to keep remaining happy, just accept the emotion. If you're feeling happy - be so bright and bubbly that people bounce and smile in your presence. If you're feeling sad or nostalgic, be sad and nostalgic. It isn't always a bad thing. If you're freaking out with anxiety and anticipation over that job interview - take it and use it to keep you 'on the ball', ready to respond with passion, emotion and enthusiasm. That first kiss with a new partner - just enjoy it without thought of whether things will work out in the future, whether you are completely compatible or not, or whether you are making the right decision; those butterflies make us feel alive!
If the feeling doesn't last, who cares. You know that - they make life interesting!
Even if you have a bad few days - remember that awesome, happy moment you had a few weeks ago? One of those is right around the corner.
Short and sweet, but my challenge for you is just to feel every inch of life. Enjoy it while it's awesome and learn from it when it's not so great. Be glad to be alive.
It's funny how we find it so difficult to 'just be'. I - like many of you I'm sure are a serial 'over-thinker'. I am fine if I am busy, but as soon as I start to reflect or look at what I am doing or the situation around energetic and somewhat un-tamed mind starts to wander and imagine things that could potentially arise out of a great moment (good or bad).
However, I do give myself a pat on the back to say that this year in particular has been an amazing learning curve, where I can sit back and just take whatever is being thrown at me, and the feelings that pair it.
I have definitely learnt that life is full of ups and downs. Every year, every month and even every day you will find yourselves in moments of absolute elation; feeling as if you have just climbed mount Everest or have made one of the biggest achievement of your life. other times you will feel so flat that you find it hard to just get out of bed or jump in the shower.
Girls - this is life. Those moments of elation wouldn't be so intense if we didn't have those down moments to match it. Life is a rollercoaster, and one which we are constantly learning, growing and exploring every inch of life itself.
So next time you start to panic as you're mind decides there needs to be a reason for it to keep remaining happy, just accept the emotion. If you're feeling happy - be so bright and bubbly that people bounce and smile in your presence. If you're feeling sad or nostalgic, be sad and nostalgic. It isn't always a bad thing. If you're freaking out with anxiety and anticipation over that job interview - take it and use it to keep you 'on the ball', ready to respond with passion, emotion and enthusiasm. That first kiss with a new partner - just enjoy it without thought of whether things will work out in the future, whether you are completely compatible or not, or whether you are making the right decision; those butterflies make us feel alive!
If the feeling doesn't last, who cares. You know that - they make life interesting!
Even if you have a bad few days - remember that awesome, happy moment you had a few weeks ago? One of those is right around the corner.
Short and sweet, but my challenge for you is just to feel every inch of life. Enjoy it while it's awesome and learn from it when it's not so great. Be glad to be alive.
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
The older the better... :-)
Its funny to think back to when you were in your early teenage years how you had a vision of yourself being married, settling down with bouncing & bubble kids, living in your own house and having a dream job by the time you hit you mid-late twenties.....
But hitting it is a completely different story. I'm sure I still have a regular fifteen year old that takes ownership of my body and giggles like a school girl about silly things, or is happy not taking on board 'the serious life', in the knowledge that it is just so much more fun to go through life with a big grin and sense of humour at every situation thrown at you.
What I do think though is that responsibility and age tend to inescapably go hand in hand. I think I actually enjoy getting older!
Here are some reasons why:
- You know so much more! Through experiences we gain knowledge, which is far different to that we read in a text book or we learn from school. If I knew the things I did back when I was eighteen, I would be one wise woman 'kicking some serious butt' in the world of youth!
- You know what you want out of life. The amount of different pathways and ideas I have tried to walk down and follow has most definitely given me the knowledge of knowing exactly what I want to do with my life, and where I want to be by the end of it. Through trial and error, we become more equipped, just as an infant learns their skills from environmental and social feedback, to know the things we hope to achieve, the things we dream about doing and the things that get us up each day to try and get us there!
- You realise that there is much more to life than being 'the popular kid', being drop dead gorgeous, earning the most money, owning the best possessions and being 'famous'. You realise that without happiness, love and health - life's most simple, but supremely satisfying pleasures, you don't have a lot. If you manage to get all of the popularity, looks, money and social status 'boxes checked', none of it means anything if you are not satisfied and happy with life. If you wake up depressed an anxious each day from long work hours, a lack of time to enjoy life at a leisurely pace - or god forbid - having no time to have coffee and wine dates with the girls - is it all really worth it!?
- You gain self confidence and are better able to accept you for who you are. It doesn't matter what life throws you, with life, age and experience, you know that this is one, sometimes horrific event, but there is always tomorrow, and this is just working to make me a stronger person. At one stage - I would of used to lock myself in my bedroom, sobbing endless tears into my pillow at the news of a friend disagreeing with something I said, or not quite getting the promotion I was hoping for....even having a boy (and yes, it still isn't a nice feeling!!) kiss another girl when you really wanted to be his New Years 'pash'!! But now I know that everything DOES happen for a reason, and every decision we make or event we go through is only a small part of the life we still have to live.
- We start to get some awesome curves, and somehow seem to manage developing better muscles than when we were younger!! Finally - some shape and voluptuousness to our girly figures!! Yes it feels like we have to work a little harder as we get older to get the desired effects of fitness, but once we get there, I'm certain it looks so much sexier than in our younger years!!!
- We appreciate what's really important in life. As we get older, we take the time to smell the roses, we cherish those friends that have been there for us through great times and bad, and we know when we find a partner who is worth being with for a very long time - appreciating conversation and sharing experiences together!....Did I mention we know where to find a delicious wine or gourmet antipasto plate??!! :-P
These points are only the starting point to a million different things that happen naturally, with age. So next time you wake up freaking out about wrinkles or your first grey hair, just think about the awesome things you have done, and are still to do in your life - and how much better they will be now that you are mature enough to take every breathe of it in!
Life is still vibrant and exciting in my books!!
But hitting it is a completely different story. I'm sure I still have a regular fifteen year old that takes ownership of my body and giggles like a school girl about silly things, or is happy not taking on board 'the serious life', in the knowledge that it is just so much more fun to go through life with a big grin and sense of humour at every situation thrown at you.
What I do think though is that responsibility and age tend to inescapably go hand in hand. I think I actually enjoy getting older!
Here are some reasons why:
- You know so much more! Through experiences we gain knowledge, which is far different to that we read in a text book or we learn from school. If I knew the things I did back when I was eighteen, I would be one wise woman 'kicking some serious butt' in the world of youth!
- You know what you want out of life. The amount of different pathways and ideas I have tried to walk down and follow has most definitely given me the knowledge of knowing exactly what I want to do with my life, and where I want to be by the end of it. Through trial and error, we become more equipped, just as an infant learns their skills from environmental and social feedback, to know the things we hope to achieve, the things we dream about doing and the things that get us up each day to try and get us there!
- You realise that there is much more to life than being 'the popular kid', being drop dead gorgeous, earning the most money, owning the best possessions and being 'famous'. You realise that without happiness, love and health - life's most simple, but supremely satisfying pleasures, you don't have a lot. If you manage to get all of the popularity, looks, money and social status 'boxes checked', none of it means anything if you are not satisfied and happy with life. If you wake up depressed an anxious each day from long work hours, a lack of time to enjoy life at a leisurely pace - or god forbid - having no time to have coffee and wine dates with the girls - is it all really worth it!?
- You gain self confidence and are better able to accept you for who you are. It doesn't matter what life throws you, with life, age and experience, you know that this is one, sometimes horrific event, but there is always tomorrow, and this is just working to make me a stronger person. At one stage - I would of used to lock myself in my bedroom, sobbing endless tears into my pillow at the news of a friend disagreeing with something I said, or not quite getting the promotion I was hoping for....even having a boy (and yes, it still isn't a nice feeling!!) kiss another girl when you really wanted to be his New Years 'pash'!! But now I know that everything DOES happen for a reason, and every decision we make or event we go through is only a small part of the life we still have to live.
- We start to get some awesome curves, and somehow seem to manage developing better muscles than when we were younger!! Finally - some shape and voluptuousness to our girly figures!! Yes it feels like we have to work a little harder as we get older to get the desired effects of fitness, but once we get there, I'm certain it looks so much sexier than in our younger years!!!
- We appreciate what's really important in life. As we get older, we take the time to smell the roses, we cherish those friends that have been there for us through great times and bad, and we know when we find a partner who is worth being with for a very long time - appreciating conversation and sharing experiences together!....Did I mention we know where to find a delicious wine or gourmet antipasto plate??!! :-P
These points are only the starting point to a million different things that happen naturally, with age. So next time you wake up freaking out about wrinkles or your first grey hair, just think about the awesome things you have done, and are still to do in your life - and how much better they will be now that you are mature enough to take every breathe of it in!
Life is still vibrant and exciting in my books!!
Saturday, 23 November 2013
The power of a compliment... :-)
So how often in the last week have you paid a compliment to a friend, work colleague, family member or even a 'passer by'?? Yes - we're all guilty of being so caught up in the pace of our own lives, that sometimes we forget how important and effective it is to provide compliments to one another.
The other day after coming home from a really long day...the lady living in the apartment above mine, who I had never met before, said "You look great lately - you must be a personal Trainer?". With a giggle similar to that of a nervous school girl, I grinned with a great big 'Thanks lovely!'. I guess often she happens to walk past my window on her way to work, to be greeted by me sweating it out on my bike (clearly my most graceful moments!), doing some quick weights or yoga stretches - but hey, a compliment is a compliment and it definitely made my day!!
Here are some great reasons to share in a few compliments today -
**It takes the focus off of you.
The other day after coming home from a really long day...the lady living in the apartment above mine, who I had never met before, said "You look great lately - you must be a personal Trainer?". With a giggle similar to that of a nervous school girl, I grinned with a great big 'Thanks lovely!'. I guess often she happens to walk past my window on her way to work, to be greeted by me sweating it out on my bike (clearly my most graceful moments!), doing some quick weights or yoga stretches - but hey, a compliment is a compliment and it definitely made my day!!
**It takes the focus off of you.
Any time you can break the habit of negative thought processes even just for a second, you’re shifting your attention from all the things going wrong in your day and putting it on helping make someone else’s day a little sunnier. Before long, your compliment to a complete stranger could go viral, and strangers everywhere will be smiling at each other, telling the person they just passed on the street something they like about them. Yes, this is indeed a game changer for everyone.
**Smiling burns calories.
And smiling often leads to laughing, and laughing burns even more calories.
**Compliments spark creativity.
Finding something positive to say to someone at least once a day has to the power to remove, say, that person’s mental block around a big project they’ve been struggling with and clear the pathways for them to get to the solution. While something this drastic might not happen to each person who receives a compliment from you, you will undoubtedly create a space for them to think differently from that moment on. Small acts of kindness go a long way these days.
**Kindness doesn’t actually kill.
We’ve all heard the phrase “kill them with kindness.” Well, if the fear of killing someone with kindness has prevented you from complimenting a person, I hereby release you from said fear. Kindness could quite possibly kill a bad mood or a bad memory, but it WILL NOT kill you or the person on the other end of the kindness. Don’t believe me? Try it! Be nice to someone right now and see what happens.
**Sincere compliments build trust.
Each one of us walking this planet has the desire to be acknowledged. When someone else notices even the slightest thing about another person, it can shout to that person, “Hey! Someone noticed me!!” Your daily compliments to “the shy one” at work whose name no one knows can help her break out of her shyness and, who knows? turn her into the best friend you’ve ever had. We all need someone in our lives we can trust, and the more we build up others the more we’re also building up ourselves.
When you give a compliment, you’re more than likely going to get one in return. When someone notices you, you’ll feel special even if it’s just for a moment. That moment could be enough to carry you the rest of the day and keep you happy and productive. Your boss might notice the change in your attitude and give you the raise that’s been coming to you for the last two years. You’ll be happier, your co-workers will be happier and pretty soon the whole office building is happy. And yet again we have things going and coming around.
**Compliments are F.R.E.E.!
Enough said. (
So from something as simple as a smile, to a friendly comment about what your friend is wearing, to something more deep and sincere such as how a friend as such a great friend. each is just as important and needed as the next.
Just think of it as your good deed for the day - at least one compliment released EVERY day Gorgeous Girl! And do not forget - if you're lucky enough to receive one, accept it with a great big smile!
Friday, 15 November 2013
How exercise starts a cycle of 'awesomeness' in your life.... :-)
WE all know that exercise is great for us - not only for our health, mind and body, but it also seems to magically set a natural 'healthy cycle' up for us without us even realising!
As I was out riding through the beautiful country side, green open hills and crisp morning air this morning - I started the think about all of the things than seem to transpire by themselves as exercise becomes part of our daily routine.
1) Have you ever noticed that you often eat a wider variety and more nutritious foods and drinks? I think subconsciously, our body knows that without giving it the fuel it requires to keep up our exercise routines, we often feel more lethargic, grumpy and un-motivated. It also knows that skipping meals and trying to replace them with a strong coffee will not work in giving you slow released energy or helping your metabolism!!
2) Your alcohol intake seems to be cut down (well...maybe not completely...yes, unfortunately red wine and an ice cold beer on a summers afternoon hits the spot no matter how much exercise I do!!!!), from over-indulging every Friday and/or Saturday night (or perhaps mid-week for those that get a little excited!!) to the point of a hangover to a simple couple of glasses at the most; just to 'hit the spot' relatively speaking. I suppose knowing that you won't be able to enjoy and get that 'kick' out of your workout the next day if you can't even contemplate opening up the curtains or waking up before midday!
3) You tend to get more accomplished each day. I always remember our school Principal telling us the "the people who are most busy, are the most organised, and tend to get the most out of their day". That saying - I believe is true! If I keep myself busy, running errands, doing odd jobs, working, socialising, and of course- exercising, I find that my days naturally become a lot more satisfying and I achieve a lot more in a few hours than what I would if I over-procrastinate, sleep in and stop - start my way through the day. If I set my alarm for the morning to exercise, I suddenly become much more energies and ready to complete as many tasks in a day as I can think of!!
4) Your energy levels are heightened for hours after exercising. I have found that not exercising for 2 or more days in a row, I often become lazy and develop a sever lack of motivation to achieve anything! Perhaps it is the endorphins released with a the completion of a 'sweat session', or even just the feeling of having completed a 'challenge'/task - my energy levels are always higher and my head is much more clear if I do get moving!!
5) You tend to be able to deal with life's challenges with a lot more realism and calmness than if you keep getting ready to start exercising consistently 'next week'! I have over-come and 'dug myself out' of many down times, negative thoughts, or unwanted life events by making sure I do some sort of activity to get my blood flowing. Even something as small as a 20-30minute walk can help to keep you going, take your negative thoughts away from whatever is weighing you down , and come away with a much clearer picture of the issue and your 'plan of attack'. Its amazing how some fresh air and oxygen can take an "Oh my god, I can't deal with this!" moment to an "Ok - so this has happened, but this is how I'm going to deal with it" moment!
6) You sleep better. If you're tired and have used your muscles and your mind during the day - you will sleep much better and remain asleep for much of the night. You will find that you don't wake up restless at 3am, struggling to get back to sleep, but rather dream the night away without your legs feeling hot, bothered and agitated!!
So - what are you waiting for? There is plenty of merit in getting yourself into a lifelong routine of exercising at least 5 days a week for a minimum of thirty minutes (as Government recommendations state!). The natural cycle of feeling amazing, energised, and goal oriented somehow becomes uncovered and enters your life with a 'bang'!!
Go on - it's addictive!!!!
As I was out riding through the beautiful country side, green open hills and crisp morning air this morning - I started the think about all of the things than seem to transpire by themselves as exercise becomes part of our daily routine.
1) Have you ever noticed that you often eat a wider variety and more nutritious foods and drinks? I think subconsciously, our body knows that without giving it the fuel it requires to keep up our exercise routines, we often feel more lethargic, grumpy and un-motivated. It also knows that skipping meals and trying to replace them with a strong coffee will not work in giving you slow released energy or helping your metabolism!!
2) Your alcohol intake seems to be cut down (well...maybe not completely...yes, unfortunately red wine and an ice cold beer on a summers afternoon hits the spot no matter how much exercise I do!!!!), from over-indulging every Friday and/or Saturday night (or perhaps mid-week for those that get a little excited!!) to the point of a hangover to a simple couple of glasses at the most; just to 'hit the spot' relatively speaking. I suppose knowing that you won't be able to enjoy and get that 'kick' out of your workout the next day if you can't even contemplate opening up the curtains or waking up before midday!
3) You tend to get more accomplished each day. I always remember our school Principal telling us the "the people who are most busy, are the most organised, and tend to get the most out of their day". That saying - I believe is true! If I keep myself busy, running errands, doing odd jobs, working, socialising, and of course- exercising, I find that my days naturally become a lot more satisfying and I achieve a lot more in a few hours than what I would if I over-procrastinate, sleep in and stop - start my way through the day. If I set my alarm for the morning to exercise, I suddenly become much more energies and ready to complete as many tasks in a day as I can think of!!
4) Your energy levels are heightened for hours after exercising. I have found that not exercising for 2 or more days in a row, I often become lazy and develop a sever lack of motivation to achieve anything! Perhaps it is the endorphins released with a the completion of a 'sweat session', or even just the feeling of having completed a 'challenge'/task - my energy levels are always higher and my head is much more clear if I do get moving!!
5) You tend to be able to deal with life's challenges with a lot more realism and calmness than if you keep getting ready to start exercising consistently 'next week'! I have over-come and 'dug myself out' of many down times, negative thoughts, or unwanted life events by making sure I do some sort of activity to get my blood flowing. Even something as small as a 20-30minute walk can help to keep you going, take your negative thoughts away from whatever is weighing you down , and come away with a much clearer picture of the issue and your 'plan of attack'. Its amazing how some fresh air and oxygen can take an "Oh my god, I can't deal with this!" moment to an "Ok - so this has happened, but this is how I'm going to deal with it" moment!
6) You sleep better. If you're tired and have used your muscles and your mind during the day - you will sleep much better and remain asleep for much of the night. You will find that you don't wake up restless at 3am, struggling to get back to sleep, but rather dream the night away without your legs feeling hot, bothered and agitated!!
So - what are you waiting for? There is plenty of merit in getting yourself into a lifelong routine of exercising at least 5 days a week for a minimum of thirty minutes (as Government recommendations state!). The natural cycle of feeling amazing, energised, and goal oriented somehow becomes uncovered and enters your life with a 'bang'!!
Go on - it's addictive!!!!
Saturday, 9 November 2013
When the 'Quarter life crisis' can hit hard!! X
Since I was little, I remember the saying "If you do a job, do it greatly or don't do it at all" resonating in my mind from my parents. A great saying for most - although combined with my perfectionist and goal driven personality, I feel as if I seem to of all of a sudden hit a 'crisis point'; perhaps the newly emerging 'quarter life crisis'.
For years, I've always made sure I did well at school, I worked to my full potential, I always worked hard to please others (be it friends, family, the workplace, the sporting field...), I started to climb my way up the career ladder and once I reached a long term goal - I aimed for something even bigger.
Of course - I came to hit a few very large hurdles along the way; my biggest being a severe bout of mental health issues; depression, anxiety and an eating disorder. All of which I have definitely learnt a lot from (and of course, has become a goal of mine to make sure each of you do not follow down that same dark and un-memorable path!). Much research suggests that a perfectionist or 'Type A' personality person tends to be at higher risk of developing these horrible illness', which seem to stem from doing everything so perfectly that you start to feel unfulfilled and out of control.
Recently - I feel as if my life has come to a stand still. I have achieved a lot that I am proud of and experienced many amazing memories of which many people may never get to experience. For those - I am very proud and content about. However, I feel that after all the direction, goals, commitment, sacrifices, differing priorities to many of my friends and craving for achievement and recognition; I have somehow missed perhaps the biggest and most important pieces of my life puzzle.
For so long - my life has been about making my mark on the world - which I still want to do!!!
I am now 28, pushing the age of when my friends and much of society are getting married, starting families (yes - unfortunately a woman's biological clock is ticking if we want to ensure our offspring are born healthy and without birth defects - yet another thing that men can get away with.....surely periods and having to carry/give birth to a child the size of a water melon is bad enough!!), and feel as if I don't actually have the things that complete me or make me want to bounce out of bed with excitement and a sense of feeling needed.
Of course - I have some brilliant friends, and I do love a great coffee or brunch catch up with the girls, but it suddenly dawned on me - am I ever going to have a life companion and be able to start the family I always imagined I would have before I am 30!!?? When the weekend comes, and your friends are all busy with their own families or partner, it is quite daunting to think that somewhere along the lines, you may have missed your chance to have the same thing?
I feel as if I have pushed people away for so long in my quest to achieve my goals or daily tasks, that I have forgotten how to trust, love and be 'flexible' or spontaneous with people.
I have had a go at 'life', travelled the world, bought (and sold) a house, purchased a new car, reached higher levels within the workplace, trained for and competed in various distance sporting events, bungee jumped, sky-dived, skinny - dipped.......but now - despite a list of great memories and achievements, I still feel in-complete and 'lost'. Being independent has always been fine for me; as I was so buried in work, training and 'achieving', until now.
I think I am at a point where I need someone to just 'be there'.
According to, a humorous look at just saying "F**k it" to the world and all the 'supposed problems' we are supposed to come across, sometimes all you need to look at is what you have, how you feel and if it doesn't bother you to do what you actually want to do, then do it!! Who cares what the world thinks!!
The problems with the 'pre- thirty years'!!! Maybe it's just easier to pack up and travel the world again!!
For years, I've always made sure I did well at school, I worked to my full potential, I always worked hard to please others (be it friends, family, the workplace, the sporting field...), I started to climb my way up the career ladder and once I reached a long term goal - I aimed for something even bigger.
Of course - I came to hit a few very large hurdles along the way; my biggest being a severe bout of mental health issues; depression, anxiety and an eating disorder. All of which I have definitely learnt a lot from (and of course, has become a goal of mine to make sure each of you do not follow down that same dark and un-memorable path!). Much research suggests that a perfectionist or 'Type A' personality person tends to be at higher risk of developing these horrible illness', which seem to stem from doing everything so perfectly that you start to feel unfulfilled and out of control.
Recently - I feel as if my life has come to a stand still. I have achieved a lot that I am proud of and experienced many amazing memories of which many people may never get to experience. For those - I am very proud and content about. However, I feel that after all the direction, goals, commitment, sacrifices, differing priorities to many of my friends and craving for achievement and recognition; I have somehow missed perhaps the biggest and most important pieces of my life puzzle.
For so long - my life has been about making my mark on the world - which I still want to do!!!
I am now 28, pushing the age of when my friends and much of society are getting married, starting families (yes - unfortunately a woman's biological clock is ticking if we want to ensure our offspring are born healthy and without birth defects - yet another thing that men can get away with.....surely periods and having to carry/give birth to a child the size of a water melon is bad enough!!), and feel as if I don't actually have the things that complete me or make me want to bounce out of bed with excitement and a sense of feeling needed.
Of course - I have some brilliant friends, and I do love a great coffee or brunch catch up with the girls, but it suddenly dawned on me - am I ever going to have a life companion and be able to start the family I always imagined I would have before I am 30!!?? When the weekend comes, and your friends are all busy with their own families or partner, it is quite daunting to think that somewhere along the lines, you may have missed your chance to have the same thing?
I feel as if I have pushed people away for so long in my quest to achieve my goals or daily tasks, that I have forgotten how to trust, love and be 'flexible' or spontaneous with people.
I have had a go at 'life', travelled the world, bought (and sold) a house, purchased a new car, reached higher levels within the workplace, trained for and competed in various distance sporting events, bungee jumped, sky-dived, skinny - dipped.......but now - despite a list of great memories and achievements, I still feel in-complete and 'lost'. Being independent has always been fine for me; as I was so buried in work, training and 'achieving', until now.
I think I am at a point where I need someone to just 'be there'.
According to, a humorous look at just saying "F**k it" to the world and all the 'supposed problems' we are supposed to come across, sometimes all you need to look at is what you have, how you feel and if it doesn't bother you to do what you actually want to do, then do it!! Who cares what the world thinks!!
The problems with the 'pre- thirty years'!!! Maybe it's just easier to pack up and travel the world again!!
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
Life on track after travel...... :-)
Although it's been five months since I have returned from my overseas adventure, I didn't realise the effect that it would have on my life so far on.
Of course, the sight-seeing, the friendships made, the once in a life-time experiences and the immersion amongst many different cultures was amazing, and something I would recommend to everyone!! However, the process of getting back into a routine with consistent full time work, as well as having an over-sized handful of epiphanies about new career paths or new business ventures has been more difficult than I first envisaged.
Over the past few months, I have questioned myself, my interests, my desires, my goals, my strengths, weakness' as well as challenging myself to step outside of my usual normal routine to step into a 'new life'. And yes - this can be an enriching learning curve, one of which has ultimately pointed us on the right direction.
However, at the same time, and I'm sure for many 'post-travellers' they feel the same - a sense of being lost in a big world where routine, connectedness and purpose are the centre-pieces for an adult life.
The first few weeks apon arriving home from overseas, I think I caught up with more people than I had seen even before I went away. It made me appreciate the friendships I did have and want to re-kindle those long-lost soul mates who made us all who we are today. You are the happiest you have been in months! However, after all the fun and fanfare resides - you realise that everyone falls back into their own lives while you are left with no job or sense of direction!!
So how can we get ourselves 'going' and start to set things up again to live that life we dreamt about, to have that second chance to start again and try something new?
- One of the first things is to set yourself up in a routine. I felt, (and still feel!) more lost when I had no real purpose, no set time to wake up or go to sleep, no real jobs to do each day. So, choose a time to set your alarm to each morning - get up, go for a run, hit the gym or have a refreshing summer early morning swim. It's funny how a simple act of routine or an accomplishment can change the outlook of your day!
- Brainstorm your interests, your strengths, your weakness' and come up with a list of traits which make you who you are. Use these traits to research possible career paths (or if you're really keen - decide which kind of small business that inner entrepreneur wants to 'dabble in'!).
- Seek the help and support of friends and family to remind you that you are not lost at all. They will always be here, you have a million amazing things about you that were there before you left for overseas. Believe it or not, they are still there and will continue to be there for the rest of your life. You are who you are; every brilliant piece!!
- Expect to have some 'bad' days where you are not feeling your best. But also remember, that those bad days are ALWAYS followed by some great days! I cannot count the amount of times that has happened to me. It's a great comfort to know that there are always positive days to take you away from focussing on the negative. Life works in funny ways!
- Use the spare time to try out a few different casual jobs to see what does interest you. It's a great time to not feel the pressure of having to stay with a job you like - and be able to leave whenever you change your mind about what exactly it is you ant to do. It doesn't mean you will be working in short term , casual roles for the rest of your life - but rather using the near future to get a feel for the types of industry that interest you.
- One thing you do learn about being overseas, is that yes - you do only live once. Make a point each week to do something 'different' and daring the keep that level of excitement still alive! Make a trip down to the beach, plan a bush hike with a group of friends, go an see that concert you've always wanted to see, organise that Mexican dinner and drinks night. Keep giving yourself things to keep you going and feeding on life, and to stop you focussing on getting back to 'the daily grind' as quick as you can.
At the end of the day - you will end up being where you want to be, doing the things you want to do. Those first few months home are always the hardest and it does take some strength to keep you pointing in a positive direction, or even remaining in a positive mindset! But you will get back to having 'your awesome life' back, which is often more awesome than it was before because you've travelled and grown as a person who has so many life-long memories and experiences locked away forever!
Round two of life - here you come!!!
Of course, the sight-seeing, the friendships made, the once in a life-time experiences and the immersion amongst many different cultures was amazing, and something I would recommend to everyone!! However, the process of getting back into a routine with consistent full time work, as well as having an over-sized handful of epiphanies about new career paths or new business ventures has been more difficult than I first envisaged.
Over the past few months, I have questioned myself, my interests, my desires, my goals, my strengths, weakness' as well as challenging myself to step outside of my usual normal routine to step into a 'new life'. And yes - this can be an enriching learning curve, one of which has ultimately pointed us on the right direction.
However, at the same time, and I'm sure for many 'post-travellers' they feel the same - a sense of being lost in a big world where routine, connectedness and purpose are the centre-pieces for an adult life.
The first few weeks apon arriving home from overseas, I think I caught up with more people than I had seen even before I went away. It made me appreciate the friendships I did have and want to re-kindle those long-lost soul mates who made us all who we are today. You are the happiest you have been in months! However, after all the fun and fanfare resides - you realise that everyone falls back into their own lives while you are left with no job or sense of direction!!
So how can we get ourselves 'going' and start to set things up again to live that life we dreamt about, to have that second chance to start again and try something new?
- One of the first things is to set yourself up in a routine. I felt, (and still feel!) more lost when I had no real purpose, no set time to wake up or go to sleep, no real jobs to do each day. So, choose a time to set your alarm to each morning - get up, go for a run, hit the gym or have a refreshing summer early morning swim. It's funny how a simple act of routine or an accomplishment can change the outlook of your day!
- Brainstorm your interests, your strengths, your weakness' and come up with a list of traits which make you who you are. Use these traits to research possible career paths (or if you're really keen - decide which kind of small business that inner entrepreneur wants to 'dabble in'!).
- Seek the help and support of friends and family to remind you that you are not lost at all. They will always be here, you have a million amazing things about you that were there before you left for overseas. Believe it or not, they are still there and will continue to be there for the rest of your life. You are who you are; every brilliant piece!!
- Expect to have some 'bad' days where you are not feeling your best. But also remember, that those bad days are ALWAYS followed by some great days! I cannot count the amount of times that has happened to me. It's a great comfort to know that there are always positive days to take you away from focussing on the negative. Life works in funny ways!
- Use the spare time to try out a few different casual jobs to see what does interest you. It's a great time to not feel the pressure of having to stay with a job you like - and be able to leave whenever you change your mind about what exactly it is you ant to do. It doesn't mean you will be working in short term , casual roles for the rest of your life - but rather using the near future to get a feel for the types of industry that interest you.
- One thing you do learn about being overseas, is that yes - you do only live once. Make a point each week to do something 'different' and daring the keep that level of excitement still alive! Make a trip down to the beach, plan a bush hike with a group of friends, go an see that concert you've always wanted to see, organise that Mexican dinner and drinks night. Keep giving yourself things to keep you going and feeding on life, and to stop you focussing on getting back to 'the daily grind' as quick as you can.
At the end of the day - you will end up being where you want to be, doing the things you want to do. Those first few months home are always the hardest and it does take some strength to keep you pointing in a positive direction, or even remaining in a positive mindset! But you will get back to having 'your awesome life' back, which is often more awesome than it was before because you've travelled and grown as a person who has so many life-long memories and experiences locked away forever!
Round two of life - here you come!!!
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
Life mantras......why we love them..
Each of us should all follow a mantra; a life motto, words to guide you when you feel a little lost, unsure, confused or down.
It's funny how a few simple words can turn around a bad mood or let you wake up feeling excited to start the day!
Write it on a drink bottle you use daily, get it engraved on a pretty silver/gold bracelet, write it on a small piece of paper and fold it up to carry in a locket necklace each day, write it on your bathroom mirror with some bright fluoro textas.....
I know that after a day so bad you cry yourself to sleep, something good always happens in the days following. The circle of life is funny in that sense that there are always bad days, but then there are always great days! Sometimes reading a mantra can help remind you of that, and stop those overwhelming thoughts take over.
Think about the following..
- A goal you're trying to achieve,
- A positive thought (e.g Today is going to be amazing),
- A strengthening mantra such as "I am strong, beautiful and intelligent",
- Something that simply makes you feel good about life,
- Something that inspires you to 'dream, believe, achieve'....
Here are a few more to get you thinking...
It's funny how a few simple words can turn around a bad mood or let you wake up feeling excited to start the day!
Write it on a drink bottle you use daily, get it engraved on a pretty silver/gold bracelet, write it on a small piece of paper and fold it up to carry in a locket necklace each day, write it on your bathroom mirror with some bright fluoro textas.....
I know that after a day so bad you cry yourself to sleep, something good always happens in the days following. The circle of life is funny in that sense that there are always bad days, but then there are always great days! Sometimes reading a mantra can help remind you of that, and stop those overwhelming thoughts take over.
Think about the following..
- A goal you're trying to achieve,
- A positive thought (e.g Today is going to be amazing),
- A strengthening mantra such as "I am strong, beautiful and intelligent",
- Something that simply makes you feel good about life,
- Something that inspires you to 'dream, believe, achieve'....
Here are a few more to get you thinking...
Sunday, 20 October 2013
Mental toughness - your guide to being your best!
I'll be honest - I thought I was going to faint this morning as I neared the end of my bike session. Whether it was the heat, perhaps the effect of not eating properly over the weekend, being tired or even having too many 'lazy days' over the weekend...(I had a tough few weeks okay!!), but I got to the 50 minute mark of my ride and I hit the wall in a very big way...I had to lye down with my feet in the air, trying to overcome an unwavering feeling of nauseousness!
It's times like these when shear determination and 'mind over matter' need to be called upon to get ourselves to move beyond our comfort zones and break through new ground.
This 'new ground' doesn't have to be purely physical, but could relate to the workplace, to your mental health or even your relationships with others.
So how can we improve our mental toughness??
- Though it is said that it is only with pain there is gain, this is not always true. Once you realize that failure and handicap does not actually prevent winning in life, you improve your mental strength by developing more confidence and courage to follow your dreams.
- Always do something you are not familiar with. This means you could walk a different route, stop watching television for a few days, drive to office using a different route or perhaps change your workout routines. By changing your routine, you become more adept in handling different and difficult situations with better calmness.
- Never dwell on things that go wrong. Instead, think what you should do next and move forward in your work. Think of avenues where you can do better and decide if your goals are reachable by you. Most important, keep goals that you can keep, and not follow goals that are meant for others.
- Always adapt a positive attitude about health and personal fitness. Paying too much attention to small aches and pains (within reason!) only leads to a deterioration of your mental strength.
- Meet more people who have done something great in their lives. It is not advisable to mingle with people who are suffering from unsolved problems and who are frustrated with their lack of achievement in life. This is because the negativity and woe they suffer from can pass on to you.
- Pay more attention on the rewards of your success, and not on focusing on mistakes you have done. Do only what is necessary today, and not on yesterday or tomorrow. This removes most of your worry.
- Always be ready for the unexpected. Remember that though you can’t control life or nature, you can be ready for things that may happen. This way, you have a better approach to life, and in whatever you do.
- If an endurance type event is your goal, make sure you include a long session in your training each week. Getting through the workout and being able to concentrate for extended periods of time strengthens your ability to 'push yourself' through those walls and barriers which prevent most people from continuing to reach their goals.
Go on, set yourself a new goal, push yourself to new horizons and make something of yourself in whatever field you dream of!
It's times like these when shear determination and 'mind over matter' need to be called upon to get ourselves to move beyond our comfort zones and break through new ground.
This 'new ground' doesn't have to be purely physical, but could relate to the workplace, to your mental health or even your relationships with others.
So how can we improve our mental toughness??
- Though it is said that it is only with pain there is gain, this is not always true. Once you realize that failure and handicap does not actually prevent winning in life, you improve your mental strength by developing more confidence and courage to follow your dreams.
- Always do something you are not familiar with. This means you could walk a different route, stop watching television for a few days, drive to office using a different route or perhaps change your workout routines. By changing your routine, you become more adept in handling different and difficult situations with better calmness.
- Never dwell on things that go wrong. Instead, think what you should do next and move forward in your work. Think of avenues where you can do better and decide if your goals are reachable by you. Most important, keep goals that you can keep, and not follow goals that are meant for others.
- Always adapt a positive attitude about health and personal fitness. Paying too much attention to small aches and pains (within reason!) only leads to a deterioration of your mental strength.
- Meet more people who have done something great in their lives. It is not advisable to mingle with people who are suffering from unsolved problems and who are frustrated with their lack of achievement in life. This is because the negativity and woe they suffer from can pass on to you.
- Pay more attention on the rewards of your success, and not on focusing on mistakes you have done. Do only what is necessary today, and not on yesterday or tomorrow. This removes most of your worry.
- Always be ready for the unexpected. Remember that though you can’t control life or nature, you can be ready for things that may happen. This way, you have a better approach to life, and in whatever you do.
- If an endurance type event is your goal, make sure you include a long session in your training each week. Getting through the workout and being able to concentrate for extended periods of time strengthens your ability to 'push yourself' through those walls and barriers which prevent most people from continuing to reach their goals.
Go on, set yourself a new goal, push yourself to new horizons and make something of yourself in whatever field you dream of!
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
The most fun you'll have...while you get fit!!! :-)
At the invitation from a friend at head to 'Bounce Inc'; a trampoline 'funhouse', saw a group of 12 young adults head out for a n hour of fitness fun! After the first five minutes of bouncing around on trampolines, most of us were sweating, puffing and even started to get a burning feeling in our legs!!
What a fun way to get fit and some great toning in our legs! The centre offered varied distractions through playing team trampoline dodge ball, trampoline basketball, flips of trampoline walls, jumping into foam pits (the climb out for the foam was just as hard as the jumping!!) so by the time the hour came around, it felt like we had been there for twenty minutes of belly laughs!
So why does fitness have to be serious and competitive all the time? Why not mix up your week of gym with some group (or individual) outings to 'non-traditional' forms of activity?
Here are a few other 'fun' fitness activities around to get you started:
- SH'BAM (a new kind of Zumba!) If you’re looking for an exercise that offers a great fat-burning workout alongside the simplest yet hottest dance moves around, shape up with SH’BAM. According to its creators, the average person burns around 2142 kilojoules while taking part in one SH’BAM class – sounds good to us! Each 45-minute class kicks off with a basic warm-up session that gets everything moving from your head to your toes. Once you’re all warmed up, your instructor moves on to the main part of the class which is where you really strut your stuff! Indeed, the main workout involves a simple yet sexy dance workout, underscored by twelve classic and current chart-topping hits.
What a fun way to get fit and some great toning in our legs! The centre offered varied distractions through playing team trampoline dodge ball, trampoline basketball, flips of trampoline walls, jumping into foam pits (the climb out for the foam was just as hard as the jumping!!) so by the time the hour came around, it felt like we had been there for twenty minutes of belly laughs!
So why does fitness have to be serious and competitive all the time? Why not mix up your week of gym with some group (or individual) outings to 'non-traditional' forms of activity?
Here are a few other 'fun' fitness activities around to get you started:
- SH'BAM (a new kind of Zumba!) If you’re looking for an exercise that offers a great fat-burning workout alongside the simplest yet hottest dance moves around, shape up with SH’BAM. According to its creators, the average person burns around 2142 kilojoules while taking part in one SH’BAM class – sounds good to us! Each 45-minute class kicks off with a basic warm-up session that gets everything moving from your head to your toes. Once you’re all warmed up, your instructor moves on to the main part of the class which is where you really strut your stuff! Indeed, the main workout involves a simple yet sexy dance workout, underscored by twelve classic and current chart-topping hits.
- Founded by international fitness personality Peter Mauvi, Bokwa Fitness is a craze that has captured the attention of fitness fanatics everywhere. The reason? Bokwa Fitness allows participants to burn an estimated 5040 kilojoules per workout with its impressive-looking yet super simple dance routines.Indeed, if you watch a video of a Bokwa class taking place, the steps look complicated to say the least. Take a closer look though, and you will notice that participants are simply drawing letters and numbers with their feet while moving to the rhythm of the music. The fast-paced, energetic movements build strength and endurance while remaining a super easy class to take part in, making this the key to slimming success. The best bit? The fact that it involves no choreography so even those of us with two left feet can do it – amazing! For more information visit Bokwafitness.
- Variety is the spice of life, and what better way to add variety to your workout routine than to take part in a fusion class? If you’re familiar with two-in-one fitness trends such as Piloxing and Kayoga, you’re probably already aware of the fusion class craze. Fusion classes – as the name suggests – are two separate forms of fitness fused together, so Piloxing is basically the love child of Pilates and kickboxing, while Kayoga is a mixture of kayaking and yoga. Fusion classes are perfect for anyone who wants a super intense workout in the minimum amount of time. Game of Bockey (ballet and hockey) anyone? For more information visit Aminoz.
- Obstacle workouts are designed to be tough, muddy and anything but light-hearted. Alongside Spartan Race and Dirty Dash, Tough Mudder obstacle workouts are the perfect example. Designed by the British Special Forces, Tough Mudder events are hardcore, high-endurance obstacle courses that stretch around 16 to 19 kilometres. If you’re a lover of light-hearted dance workouts, steer well clear. If you’re an adrenaline junkie, you’re likely to find these events as fun as they are challenging. Picture yourself plunging into a muddy pool of icy water; swinging from monkey bars when you feel like your muscles can’t go on any longer and leap-frogging over five ft.-wide pits before being submerged in an icy mud bath if you miss a step. These hard-core events leave little time to get bored. Why put yourself through an event like this, you ask? Because you’re one Tough Mudder and oh boy, have you done a workout to be proud of! For more information visit|ToughMudder .
-If you’re looking for a fun form of fitness that challenges your body to an amazing cardiovascular workout, increases your lean muscle tissue and allows you to reach your maximum heart rate in minimum time, rope training may be for you. After the warm-up, a typical rope training session consists of an intensive, one minute movement in which you firmly grip a heavy rope at both ends and move it up a down in a wave-like motion. The challenge is – aside from keeping this movement going for a full minute – to keep the velocity and flow of the waves for the entire minute without flagging. It sounds pretty boring on paper but trust us, once you’ve started you can’t stop until you get it right. Once you’ve mastered the wave-like motion, you can move onto more challenging moves. A piece of rope hasn’t been this fun since we were little! For more information visit Fitness Fix. - Trampolining fun for groups, individuals, parties and even corporate events!
- A new wave of events are being held around the country for the recreational athlete such as 'The colour run', where participants run a 5km course throwing as much paint on each other as possible! 'The neon run' is a 5km fun run at night time where participants run through bright lights, listen to the hottest DJ's and finish with an awesome dance after party!
These are a few options out there slightly different to the usual monotonous forms of exercise, but so much fun that you don't even realise the awesome fitness benefits you are getting! bring your friends and you get a great 'social workout' as well! Win, win!
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