This last week has felt like every training session has been an uphill battle. A couple of days ago I jumped on my bike in the hope of a two hour long ride, but managed a measly twenty-five minutes before my head just kept screaming 'Stop, I can't be bothered anymore!". Today I went out for a long run, hoping to complete at least fifteen kilometres, but had to stop and walk because again my head "couldn't be bothered'. I felt like my legs were made of concrete and I wanted to be anywhere but training!!! What was going on?
I am glad to say that although I did stop and have a couple of walk breaks today, I kept giving myself mini goals to reach while I ran along the way, and before I knew it, although at a slower pace than planned, I had finished my long run!! Success....well almost!!!
So what can you do if you are starting to feel yourself losing motivation, and feeling like every fitness training session is like carrying two concrete pillars uphill?

- Mix up your training. Instead of just running or doing weights, why not try one of the many options of activities available?? Why not look at joining up a Bootcamp style fitness group a few days a week, trying out a Zumba class, giving Yoga or Pilates a go, or trying something a little more 'out there' such as bush walking, surfing or rock climbing? With the internet at our finger tips, the researching of a new 'activity' is easy...not to mention the beautiful summer weather hanging over our shoulders!

- Join a group or grab a friend to help keep you motivated. Not only will the company distract you from the effort you are putting into each session, but it will make you more accountable for actually completing each session. This one I am a culprit for not doing, but I am very willing to try after my 'low week'!!

- Self talk is a very effective tool to use when you are feeling flat and like you cant complete the workout you have set for yourself. Using simple things such as saying in your head "Come on babe, you're going to smash it for this 20meter stretch", "You're doing great, just slow it down a bit and get your energy back", "I've made it over half way, I'm virtually at the end!", will make a huge difference! Before you know it, the small feeling of accomplishment that you are going to do it actually makes you feel better about yourself; and therefore pushes you to make those goals! My pace actually increased towards the end of my run today when I was feeling 'chuffed' about pushing through my 'wall'!

- By setting yourself a goal (Feel free to refer to my previous post on goal setting!), you are given motivation to work to reach that goal. This may be a particular event that you have entered in the future, a weight loss goal, or even a certain distance/time goal. Those tough sessions have more meaning, and when you start to see yourself getting closer to those goals, it motivates you to continue on your path!!
Just a few small things - but I promise, very powerful tools to help get you out of your 'rut', just in time for Summer!!!!
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