Wednesday 1 January 2014

A new year - Reflecting on a better you :-)

So you made it to 2014 (relatively) unscathed and ready to attack another year with 'gusto'!

The beginning of the new year brings with it resolutions and new ideas, some so big that leave you feeling as if you couldn't possibly fathom to write everything down in an ordered and well-planned list.
Resolutions are a great way to take a closer look at the life you are living and perhaps plan to make some changes to make it better. But is it relevant if you haven't really given yourself some time to reflect on your life; your achievements, your fears, dreams, goals, new interests or dislikes?

I know that the iconic New years eve and New years day festivities are starting to come to a close - as we recover from the heavy celebrations. However, if you have not done so already, take a moment to really think about your life and all of the trials and triumphs which you dealt with in 2013.
Write it all down, draw a picture, create a photo board or have a chat with a close friend or family member'.

When I look back on the year that I have had - it has probably been one of the biggest learning curves I am yet to have. My year consisted of such highs, such lows, and so many moments of feeling a little 'lost' in the big world.

I lost a job and gained a job, I had a relationship slowly melt away while I found new light in the company of others more than ever before, I travelled the world, studied, had a 'mini - career change', I witnessed the marriage of two close friends, found and re-kindled my relationships with my 'soul mate' friends.......but I also found myself and appreciate who I am, what I have achieved over the years and look forward knowing that I will continue to achieve and learn new things in future years.

I have learnt that although life is not always filled with roses, I regret nothing and know that I have become a stronger person for each of these.
I have seen my strengths and weakness' as a person and will not only work on improving these, but also accept the things about me that make me the person that I am.

So if you have not done this already - take some time to sit and think about your life - every little part of it. I guarantee as you sit back and actually think about these things, the low parts seem to be a lot smaller than you originally thought. When one door closes, another always opens - which although doesn't always happen straight away, gives us a sense of comfort knowing that amazing things are on their way.
'Everything happens for a reason' and the cards you were dealt simply need to be accepted, as you take the reigns and drive your life to brilliance!

New years resolutions - be gone. Its time to reflect, appreciate and get excited about another year to come full of choices, happiness, new experiences and becoming a step closer to your dreams!


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