Friday 30 August 2013

Tunes to pump up your workout...YES - proven to help!! :-)

I know that many of you (including me on my long run, or unmotivated training days!), enjoy listening to some great tunes while you run/walk/hit the gym. Don't get me wrong, I'm also a sucker for 'escaping from life' and heading outside with no music at all also, BUT....

Did you know that research and university studies have shown that listening to music while you run it can:
-Reduce the sensation of fatigue,
-Increase psychological arousal,
-Promote a feeling of relaxation (and reduced tension),
- Even improve motor coordination!
undefined - a website where it's subscribers (approx. 40,000 people!), vote on their favourite workout, running, cardio and strength tracks. The site posts it's top 10 for each genre every month. - A great website dedicated to running music, as specific as the best songs for the specific pace, distance and type of running session you are completing!! Worth a look! - A website with music recommendations and compilations depending on the heart rate you're working at. ...Check out this page for a 'run-down' of a great new running app for your phone, which detects your pace and plays music from your playlist which matches your pace!

If you like an old fashioned CD, Ministry of sound have some great workout, walking, jogging and running track CDs available.

So - pump up those tunes and enjoy the positive effects! no excuse now Gorgeous Girls!! xxx

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Make up free me...

Many of you would of heard already of the initiative by The butterfly foundation to go 'make up free' for a day, to raise funds and awareness of the need to promote a positive image, particularly among women.
This Friday 30th August, why not go make up free and show the world that you only need to be yourself; happy and beautiful in your own skin without the need to cover yourself before walking out the door.
I know that I have grown to love the addition of bronzer, fake tan and a bit of mascara - those of which I generally don't walk out the door without (unless I'm going for a run of course!).
But why do we really wear them? Is it just habit? Is it a pressure from society or the media? Or is it a mask to cover our own negative self image and poor self esteem?

I challenge you Gorgeous Girls; be free from make-up and let your liberty and own personal form of self expression loose into the world!!! :-)


Friday 23 August 2013

A little 'happy' reminder....

After attending a 'happiness workshop' earlier in the week, I was reminded again of the importance of taking time out regularly to focus on the things that really matter in life; your happiness.

The workshop first asked us to think about the things that make me happy, be it something small such as painting your nails, or something larger such as travelling. The point was, until we know what makes us smile and feel a sense of ease, fulfilment and an 'inner glow', how can we expect to be living each day positively and happy?
Here are some key points to consider when thinking about how happy you are, and whether you are doing things that can set your day off wit a 'bang'!!

1) List anything and everything that you enjoy doing (big or small!!), and come up with your top 3-5 'happy creators',
2) Brainstorm how you can include at least 1 of your top 3-5 in each day, do you have to change anything or do anything differently?
3) Create a 'reverse bucket list' by writing down all of the things you have achieved in your lifetime (e.g. Getting a job or role you love, completing a degree/diploma, completing a 10km fun run, volunteering for a poor community, buying/renovating a house, back backing through Europe.......)
4) Optimism: Write down 3 examples of times when you approached things negatively (e.g. A new job, a reduced income, a change in plans etc.). Now 're-frame' your thoughts to change those 3 things into 3 positive or optimistic things (e.g. My Friend cancelled on me for coffee = Oh well, now I've got an extra hour free, perhaps I can go shopping or go to that yoga class I've been meaning to get to).
Attitude is everything!!!!
5) Write down a list of the things you dream about and hope to achieve in'll be amazed at how much more straightforward and attainable they get once they're written on paper!!
6) Often our environment can effect the way we feel. If we wake up to a messy kitchen, our clothes aren't washed and ironed ready for the work day ahead, we have no food in the cupboard to make breakfast - it sets our day off with negativity and 'stress'.
7) Health and happiness are directly related. Come up with a list of things that make you feel strong, energised and confident in your body,
8) Think about your work/study. Write down the top 10 things you enjoy about your work/study. It's funny how we often forget why we are in a certain field. If you really can't think of anything, Then perhaps its time to push yourself into doing something you love!
9) The effect of helping others has a large effect on happiness. Brainstorm 10 things you could do to bring happiness to someone else's life. It could be cooking a meal for your grandma, volunteering at a local charity, or even buying energy saving light bulbs!
10) Never under-estimate the power of 'you time! Think about the things that bring you happiness. What do you do to relax? Perhaps its swimming, going down to the beach, photography, going to the movies, meditating. Now think about how much time each week you spend on yourself. Do you thin this is enough? What things can you change to allow more 'you time' each week?
11) Try doing something new! Brainstorm some simple things you can do to break your routine and enjoy doing. It may be trying a new restaurant or starting a new hobby.

Finally - with all of the 'happiness building' in mind. Create a list of goals (best not to give yourself more than 2 or 3 each week to prevent you feeling 'overwhelmed'!) to include in your week to make sure that you are living life 'happy' and positively, such as making a weekly catch up with a girlfriend, getting 8 hours sleep, Exercising 4 days a week....After all, you only live once!!

Sunday 18 August 2013

The detrimental effects of sugar......

Sugar in our diets is a highly contentious issue and hot discussion around many circles.

Although some sugar is necessary to provide our brain and bodies with energy, research has shown that too much sugar can lead to a range of detrimental effects to our health and wellbeing including;
- Increased fat storage if not used as energy,
- Increased risk of tooth decay,
- Decreased immune system effectiveness,
- Increased risk of developing thrush and yeast infections,
- Fatigue,
- Alter your bodies hormone levels,
- Increase your risk of developing diabetes (raising the hormone insulin, which can increase the storage of cholesterol and fatty build up in your blood vessels and arteries),
- A reduced ability for your body to uptake the nutrients it needs to stay healthy,
- Hyperactivity and insomnia,
- Skin issues.

*The world health organisation advises that we should be consuming no more than 10% of our daily calorie intake from added sugar.
The list goes on......So what can we do to try and manage the amount of sugar that goes into our 'temples' (a.k.a our bodies!!)??
- When cooking at home, use the link below to give you a guide as to how to substitute high sugar and fat ingredients into regular recipes.
- Try to cook your own food as much as you can, particularly adding as many natural ingredients as you can (Many processed foods, spreads and sauces can have tablespoons of sugar and salt added to them!!),
- If you can't deal with not having something sweet in your tea or coffee, consider adding a natural substitute such as Stevia,
- Be wary of buying smoothies and juices. they sound 'healthy', but often are laden with sugar (if you're desperate, stick to a smaller size and only have it occasionally),
- If you have the option, go for brown or wholegrain bread/rice.
- Read the label of any food or drink that you purchase. The more you become familiar with the amounts of sugar/fat/salt etc. in certain foods, the easier it will be to make a 'healthy choice'.

Happy 'sugar reduction quest' Gorgeous Girls!!! xxx

Saturday 17 August 2013

Benefits of a fitness 'Gal-pal' :-)

There is something to be said about the positive effects of being in a group, and definitely makes achieving a goal or over-coming a challenge much more bearable.

I laced up my runners and head out the door to hit the trails with my Dad a few days ago. Through conversation, competitiveness and laughs as we both tripped over various obstacles along the way; the long run which can sometimes feel over-whelming was over in a heart-beat! This could be a hidden secret to achieve greater distances, a faster pace and maybe even enjoy myself to a heightened level - lookout world!!
So - why not work on a health or fitness goal with a 'buddy'?!

- It can be a great motivator to 'keep going' (you don't want to let a friend down by not turning up do you?!'
-  It can be a great 'social getaway', which as social creatures, adds points to our 'happy-meter' and an improved level of mental health,
- You can push each other to train harder, eat healthy or reach a new goal,
- It can be a great distraction to the hard work you are doing,
- You feel an increased level of morale, camaraderie and a group mindset which has shown many times before to keep you coming back (out of enjoyment, satisfaction and your newly developed sense of team-work).

There are many groups for many different fitness goals all around the country, and many are 'women only', which I know can reduce the 'intimidation' factor for many women! Or better yet - grab your cohort of girlfriends and 'get going'!!! :-)

Here are a few to get you started: - Velcino Cycles in black Rock, Vic have a great women's cycling group (for ALL fitness levels),

'Group it up' Gorgeous works Xxx

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Metabolism boosting foods to add to your diet :-)

Now - you're eating healthy, have been able to maintain a regular exercise routine...but is  there anything else we can do with our diet to give our metabolism a further boost??

Of course - there is no such thing as a quick fix solution or answer for everybody. However the following food choices may have an effect on your bodies ability to break food down, using more energy, and also at a more sustained rate (meaning less of an energy fluctuation than if we eat lost of processed foods).

Consider making some of these small changes, to add to your diet (which of course is already containing a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, lean meats and dairy as well as good fats!)......

Metabolism fastening foods

Whole grains Your body burns twice as many calories breaking down whole foods (especially those rich in fibre such as whole oats and brown rice) than processed foods.

Lean meats Protein has a high thermogenic effect: You burn about 30% of the calories the food contains during digestion (so a 300-calorie chicken breast requires about 90 calories to break it down).

Low-fat dairy products Rich in calcium and vitamin D, these help preserve and build muscle mass—essential for maintaining a robust metabolism.

Green tea Drinking four cups of green tea a day helped people shed more than six pounds in eight weeks, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports. Credit EGCG, a compound in the brew that temporarily speeds metabolism after sipping it

Lentils One cup packs 35% of your daily iron needs—good news, since up to 20% of us are iron- deficient. When you lack a nutrient, your metabolism slows because the body’s not getting what it needs to work efficiently.

Hot peppers Capsaicin, the compound that gives chilli peppers their kick, heats up your body, which makes you melt additional calories. You can get it by eating raw, cooked, dried, or powdered peppers.

Sunday 11 August 2013

Decisions, decisions...sometimes things can just seem 'too much' to make a great decision - procrastination free!!

'Beep, beep, beep, beep', the annoying sound of my alarm went off at 6.30am. I leaned over to turn off the screeching sound, mentally exhausted, flat and un-rested. After a night of tossing and turning over a decision, when I guess - in the scheme of things is not a 'life or death' choice. However, as 'queen procrastinator and indecisive goddess; the choice that lay in front of me was eating away at my thoughts (and sanity!!). can we make a decision, and be happy with it (or at least not stressed (I'm fairly sure I have grown my first grey hairs over the last few months!!!!)?

The Keys To Making a Good Decision

  1. Identify the decision to be made as well as the objectives or outcome you want to achieve.
  2. Do your homework. Gather as many facts and as much information you can to assess your options.
  3. Brainstorm and come up with several possible choices. Determine if the options are compatible with your values, interests and abilities.
  4. Weigh the probabilities or possible outcomes. In other words, what's the worst that can happen? What will happen if I do A, B or C and can I live with the consequences?
  5. Make a list of the pros and cons. Prioritize which considerations are very important to you, and which are less so. Sometimes when you match the pros against the cons you may find them dramatically lopsided.
  6. Solicit opinions and obtain feedback from those you trust or have had a similar situation to contend with. There may be some aspects you haven't thought about.
  7. Make the decision.
  8. Points To Consider

    There are no guarantees. Certainly you can never know in advance whether a decision will be correct, therefore, you must be prepared to take risks.
    Look for the opportunities. If you make a mistake, view it as an opportunity to learn what didn't work and why. Many times decisions are reversible and you can change your mind.
    Hindsight is 20/20. On occasion, you might discover in hindsight situations that may have affected your decision had you known about them earlier. This is normal and typical but should not stall your decision-making process.
    Do not get stuck and do nothing. If you've done everything you can to make a good decision and still can't make up your mind, do not delay making an important decision for fear that you don't know enough or will make the wrong choice.
    Don't let fear stop you. Sometimes people become so paralysed with the fear of making a wrong decision that they panic and lose sight of what they're trying to accomplish. This hinders making any decision.
    Don't second-guess yourself. In the end second-guessing yourself also undermines what you're trying to accomplish. Once you've made the decision, let the chips fall where they may. At the very least, you will have learned important lessons.
    When all is said and done, all you can do is the best with what you have to work with. Incidentally, do not underestimate the power of intuition, or your gut feeling.
And - if all else fails, by throwing on your runners and going out for a run, walk or a hard gym session, you will be amazed how clear things become with some fresh air and perspective!!

Happy decision making Gorgeous Girls Xxx

Saturday 10 August 2013

Quirky fitness motivators.....

As I sat in the sunshine indulging in a beautiful brunch with a friend this morning (after a great Sunday morning long run to 'power me up' for the rest of the day!), she proceeded to tell me about a secret that as funny as it sounded, seemed to give her the extra ounce on motivation each day to get out of bed earlier and exercise before the working day.
The secret?? Well, she names her 'fit days'!!

Example: Monday - 'Move it Monday's',
                Tuesday - Tight tummy Tuesday,
                Wednesday - Wicked wings Wednesday (meaning 'arms'!),
                Thursday - Thunder thighs Thursday,
                Friday - 'Fat bottom Friday',
                Saturday - Swimming Saturday,
                Sunday - Cycling Sundays (Yes - Cycling starts with a 'C', but it rhymes!!!!).

So simple - but believe it or not, it gets her out of bed and has transformed her daily fitness regime into a fun, routine; that she has managed to follow for several weeks already!!

So if you're looking for a little motivation....why not give it a go?!
What can you do to 'fun up' and turn the 'no pain, no gain' saying into 'fitness fun, and giggles'????

Would love to hear your thoughts (or other quirky names for each 'fitness day of the week'!!)

Keep smiling and 'Happy Cycling Sunday' Gorgeous Girls Xxx


Wednesday 7 August 2013

A great little fitness video - you can do it at home NOW :-)

What better place to work on your fitness and toning than in your own home, at a time that suits you, with no equipment needed!

Just set yourself up in front of this video and reap the fitness rewards :-)

Monday 5 August 2013

How can I be happy......Well - here's a list to get your started! :-)

Sometimes it takes  a little bit more effort to get the 'happy juices' flowing each day. But being happy makes each day easier, less stressful and gives you a sense of satisfaction (not to mention the endless list of health benefits!!).

If you like....have a go at creating your own list of 'things that make you happy' and refer to it when you have a 'bad day'.

Here are 50 simple ways in which you can add to your happiness:
1. Accept that life is not perfect.
2. Don't take yourself too seriously.
3. Don't take others too seriously.
4. Appreciate yourself.
5. Have meaningful goals - they give you purpose.
6. Get a pet.
7. Cultivate friendships. To have friends, be a friend.
8. Be supportive and seek support when needed.
9. Don't confuse materialism with success.
10. Know that money does not buy happiness.
11. Enjoy what you have.
12. Simplify your life.
13. Be more creative.
14. Be yourself.
15. Be more spontaneous.
16. Spend more time with happy people.
17. Keep a happiness journal for writing about the things that give you joy.
18. Find what you love to do and make it your life's work.
19. Be willing to learn and experience new things.
20. Be flexible.
21. Be open-minded.
22. Enjoy simple pleasures.
23. Practice gratitude.
24. Think improvement, not perfection.
25. When things aren't going well; know that it will pass.
26. Know that it's not what happens to you, but how you perceive it that's important.
27. Learn to live in and savor the moment.
28. Exercise regularly.
29. Get enough sleep.
30. Maintain a healthy diet.
31. Enjoy good conversation.
32. Have a hobby.
33. Take time for fun.
34. Practice moderation.
35. Cultivate an appreciation for the arts.
36. Read inspiring material.
37. Help others.
38. Have faith.
39. As Richard Carlson has said - Don't sweat the small stuff.
40. Smile for no particular reason.
41. Be agreeable.
42. Love yourself.
43. Listen to good music.
44. Watch less TV.
45. Give it your best.
46. Pamper yourself.
47. Practice mindfulness.
48. As Bessie Anderson Stanley wrote; "Live well, love much and laugh often."
49. Be happy now. Don't make it conditional.
50. Share your happiness with others.

Happy day Gorgeous Girls! Xx

Thursday 1 August 2013

Im grateful for.......

Keeping a gratitude journal can be really helpful if you're struggling to find the happiness in your days.
I have tried it in the past, and found that particularly after a bad day, or week (as you space your diary out over time and practise), if I could write down 3-5 things that I was grateful for; it helped me to see past the negativity.
They have been shown by many studies to have a range of impressive benefits - including better sleep, fewer symptoms of illness, and more happiness among adults and kids alike.

So how do your write a 'gratitude diary'?
In the first week, write down 3 things that you are grateful for in your day. this could be anything from the sun was shining, you caught up with a friend, you were able to go for a run, or even had a good sleep the night before.
The second week, space this out to every second day. The third week, space it out to two-three times a week.

The idea is to 'kick' your brain into looking at the positive sides of every day, and not looking at the negative; which can easily spiral into a headache of a day/week or a lingering sense of feeling down about life :-(

Give it a go! It will take three to five minutes out of your day; it can't hurt to try :-)

*If you want something 'cute' and made up already, 'Kikki K' ( and many other stationary retailers sell ready made gratitude diaries
* You can even use digital/online journals straight from your office desk! Try excuses now :-)