Wednesday 23 September 2015

How it feels to be proposed to.....YES!!!!

Two days ago, I became a fiancee'! A small, but HUGE life event for two thirty year olds who are madly in-love to go through.
Hasil gambar untuk love
Three days ago, while this 'fiancee' of mine was scrolling through his emails with his laptop open wide in front of me - I noticed a booking to 'Il Restaurante Bali'. Although this was the only thing that got me thinking - it was the first time I started to get a little suspicious of the possibilities that could happen while in Bali - yes, Bali (the greatest place to relax, get some glorious sunshine and take some  time to re-focus on what's important in life).

That same day, 'he' was set on making sure he had a carry on satchel or small suitcase for the plane. Usually it's just a 'throw what you can into Ash's bag situation - so much so that last time my bag ripped at the sides before we even sat down on the plane! What could he possibly have to put in a larger bag that he would normally give to me? I-pad, phone, book, earphones? All of those together didn't warrant anything over-sized.

The next clue - when walking through duty-free at the airport - I was promptly and authoritatively told to 'go and do some shopping', while 'he' went to the tax declaration stand. Hmm - this is looking quite suspicious, and being a girl in such a perfect relationship started to ring the 'proposal alarm bells'! Could it be??

The next morning, and as the sun was rising during an awakening beach walk - 'he' quietly and calmly said that he has booked us a nice table at a restaurant near Uluwatu, past Jimabarn Bay. Knowing that Jimbaran bay was one of the most amazing and charismatic dining ventures I had ever been on (on the beach as the sun sets with mariachi playing in the background and FRESH seafood selected by you), I was definitely getting excited and felt my stomach start to develop some butterflies (the extremely somersaulting, fluttery type I will add!!).

I think as human nature is, and the way that we somehow train the emotional side of our brains not to respond to anything that could feel amazing on the insides, unless we're absolutely sure. So, with my nervous excitement, I tried to push the butterflies aside and tell myself how happy I was at this moment, with who I am with and the incredible relationship we have already. I didn't want to ruin the moment by  over-thinking, analyzing and hoping for something that may just be a figure of my imagination. At the very  least -  we'd be sharing in an amazing dinner at a cliff top restaurant which I've read is breathtaking, five star and filled with people who have bucket loads of finacial success!!

As the day went on, 'he' was quite happy to have more drinks than usual. Besides the first day of our Summer holiday together, it started with Bintangs, then 'he' asked for tequila shots at  lunch, then came the cocktails pre-drive - followed by several more cocktails and wine. Which - to be honest, I was quite okay with, particularly when it was paired with the best tacos I have ever eaten!!

As we proceed in the afternoon showers, dressing and getting ready to head out. 'He' became a little quiet. I tried not to look too much into it  and make a scene of it, but 'he' kept rummaging around, touching his pockets, digging through his bag and looked in 'deep thought' for the last couple of hours before we were ready to go.
As we jumped into the taxi, 'he' brought his sunglasses case, but when he took his sunglasses off his head, he did not put them back into their secure case. The bells were certainly ringing now - OMG, does he actually have a ring in their? He fumbled some more and kept a very tightly closed hand over it, making sure it didn't slip out of his grip.

'He'd booked a seat at the bar, for us  to watch the unforgettable sunset that shone across the pacific ocean, and gave you a view of the entire bay for miles. Looking out onto the water made it seem like we were the only ones on the earth, and had a sense of seclusion; which I felt so safe and comfortable with because I was in the arms of my love. What a special place to be.. We could be anywhere in the world, but were so lucky to be able to witness something so majestic, and feel so much passion between us as the day and evening unfolded.

After a cocktail,  some romantic music playing the background - we moved up to the best seat in the restaurant to a candlelit table - where champagne await us.
After ordering, 'he' kept getting a goofy grin over his face, and he looked as if he was going to say something, but kept pulling out at the last minute.  I tried not to get caught up in this 'shyness', but couldn't help it. It turned us into two little giggly kids, sitting very straight up into our five star 'Bulgari Hotel - Il restaurant' chairs, fiddling with our fingers and kicking our feet.

I looked up from the menu, to 'he' holding his glass of champagne, grinning....... "I think this is the perfect time to tell you how much I love you. You mean so much to me........and (giggle), I just wanted to say that I want to spend the rest of my life with you...(giggle) - will you marry me?".
Just like that - I was left speechless. When you're growing up, watching romantic movies on the TV - you always imagine what it would be like  to be asked to marry someone. You imagine how it would sound, what you would say in return, what environment you would be set up in - but at the moment, I was absolutely stunned and just giggled back in return "ow - as if I would say no! Of course I will!". Perhaps not as sweet and perfect as I imagine, but we did it - we were officially engaged and 'fiance-ed'!!!
We both couldn't believe it!! For something that for many, is a planned and expected relationship progression, we both suddenly felt so grown up! For something that means you are both committing to sharing your life together forever, nothing changes - but everything changes! What  a surreal and exciting experience!
Photos were taken, stories were shared of how 'he' had met with my 'Daddy dearest' earlier that week to ask for permission to marry his eldest daughter, how he'd taken his very stylish Mum to help him shop for the perfect ring (this ring was stunning and unlike anything I had ever seen before!! For something I had never really put too much thought into - I knew it was exactly what I wanted, and it symbolizes the perfect love we have for each other), how he wasn't sure what to  plan or when he wanted to propose - but all the same - we both couldn't wipe the smiles off our faces!

As we left the restaurant fairly late, it's amazing how fast time goes when the rush of adrenaline, excitement and the occurrence of something so amazing happens! As we left the restaurant for the long car trip home - we couldn't help but share our news with the waiters/waitress' at the venue. We laugh to think about it now - but I'm fairly sure we were the only ones excited, as there was nothing more than a polite smile and grunt from the receiving end of the news!
There just so happened to be a wedding that night, so we were taken up to the taxi area by a gold buggy draped in white cloth and fresh flowers - which just topped off the night.

As the time difference made it difficult to share the news with our family and friends, I slept no more than one hour that night in preparation for waking up the next morning to start the phone calls and messages - to some very excited people!!
I'm a soon-to-be Step Mum of 'his' 5 year old boy, I am going to join a second family and gain some fantastic and loving 'in-laws', I get to change my name, we can think about  planning a much to think about - but the buzz that remains (it's going to take a very long time - I'm still shaking as I reminisce the moment!!!) is enough to zap a billion mosquitoes in a 'bug catcher'!!

As we sit laying poolside, calling each other 'fiancee' as a novelty, we join hand in hand, heart in heart, soul to soul in a friendship and partnership that  will last forever. I couldn't be more excited about life and the person who I will get to spend it with!!

Lucky me!! Lucky us!

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