Thursday 8 October 2015

How to be your BEST!!! The best version of YOU!

I love the notion of being your best, most inspired and most happy self. But lately, the messages we seem to be getting are to 'Be your best', 'Be the best', and in a sense 'Be perfect'.

Being YOUR best means doing the things you enjoy, the things that inspire you to wake up each day to achieve the goals you set for yourself, to live the life that you choose, to bounce out of bed with a big goofy grin on your face knowing that you are feeling fit, healthy and ready to face life.

Being THE best, which in a sense is being perfect, means to accept nothing but the best results in everything, to constantly push and challenge yourself in all aspects of your life, to not let any part of your daily living fall below the highest and greatest you can possibly be. These may be some of the key traits in being an elite in the Business or Sport industry, but when it gets tot he point that we feel we need to keep pushing ourselves in everything we do, to the point that we forget to look around at what is happening all around us.
Image result for being your best
The phrase 'take some time to smell the roses' is often given less credit than it should. And I know that in the past, I have become so engulfed in the final product of the event I am training for, the new job or Career path I have taken up, a close relationship, or even something as simple as being the healthiest (rigidly and routinely ensuring adequate sleep, nutrition, fitness and training) I can be - it is oh, so easy to forget that as a person; we are in no way identified by the achievements we have made or the level of 'best/perfection' we strive to achieve.

I have heard many a times, people bursting into tears, crashing into an enormous pile of mental fatigue and feeling as if they are working as hard as they can, but feel they are still missing something. I admire their determination, commitment and dedication. But they have usually put so much time and energy into making sure they are perceived as invincible and are THE best in everything they attempt, that they forget to sit back and appreciate the amazing things that are happening around them.
 By all means, if you have placed priority on a career, family, fitness or sporting goal and you bounce out of bed everyday knowing that you are going to 'tap away' at reaching this goals - then go for it.
But when it comes to the point that you feel as if you are not living life to its greatest potential, and therefore work yourself into the ground in every waking second of the day, despite illness', injury, missing social connections, enjoying a solitary walk along the beach or even simply enjoying a soy latte in the sunshine while reading the paper on a Sunday afternoon....just take a second to think about what life and living it means to you.

Be YOUR best. Be the person you are happy to be. be the person that has dreams and goals for the future and wakes everyday feeling fresh, happy, inspired, satisfied and excited with butterflies in your stomach because you appreciate what you have done and will continue to do in days or years to come.
The pressure to be the best and to be perfect is a notion that has merit, but it only has merit when you love who you are. 
Image result for being your best

Sleep in when you need to, be extreme and take a 'personal day', or skip a gym session to spend time walking with your family or friends, explore a new part of the world, just take a deep breathe and look to your next task if the previous one didn't quite give you the results you hoped for, and look at the amazing surrounds we have been given in this life. 

Remember - if you don't quite reach your goals or challenges you set yourself, accept it, re-visit your goals and make new ones. You know what, one day you will reach those original plans, and if you don't - does it really matter? Life most definitely won't end because of it (as much as you just want to scream and cry into your pillow!!!).

Just be you. You are the perfect version of you because of that.


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