Sunday 8 November 2015

A dissapointing message to Mental health - Venting my frustrations.....

As I driving along the freeway on the way to work this morning, I felt a huge sense of frustration come over me as I listened to the radio.
The station that I normally love and sing along with some serious 'vim and vigor' had something in their news that really resonated with me and made me think about our values and priorities in society.
The news-reader stated in her clear, level and enthusiastic voice - "And if you need to take a day off or 'sickie' from work, you should say that you are  sick with 'gastro' or a virus. Two out three bosses do not think that stress, depression and anxiety are a good enough reason to take a day off work".

I was left gobsmacked and started shouting out loud to the radio (of course they could hear me through the car stereo of my Mazda 3!!) in disgust.
As far as mental health goes, it has a growing and concerning presence in today's world. Having been a sufferer of several of these conditions on and off for the last twelve years, I know how debilitating
 they can be.
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I've had 'gastro', the flu, colds, laryngitis, tonsillitis, been in hospital for a couple of health issues - but the pain and hurt to both yourself and those around you when depression and anxiety hit is often much worse than all of those 'physical illness'.
I've had days where I could not get myself up out of bed, or pushed myself out of bed only to return a few hours later to bury  my head under my sheets.
I've had nausea and headaches so painful from the tension built up in my body that I haven't been able to stand up.
I've been so dizzy and 'shaky' from anxiety that my energy levels have been non-existant (despite being seemingly healthy otherwise with lots of nutritious food and exercise).
I've had friendships break down from the cloud that filled my mind dis enabling me to see the effects my choices to become isolated and distant have had on them.
I went through stages where getting a job became difficult because I became so anxious about starting (despite interviewing and attaining the job) a new routine that I made myself sick or made excuses not to commence working; to the point where the Boss would have no choice other than to 'give up' on me.
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The one thing that i do know about mental health is that it takes a lot of time, can be extremely mis-understood and different things work for different people. There is no magic antibiotic or quick fix treatment to heal someone who has a Mental health issue.
The fact that the media is making a 'joke' of people who have asked to take days off for depression, anxiety or stress is disgusting, and will only work to make people keep their thoughts to themselves in fear of being ridiculed, looked down on by thei work-place or potentially losing their job.
Obviously there are a few exceptions to this rule in some people who unfortunately push this and take days REGULARLY to go shopping, holidaying or because they simply do not want  to go to work (I do get that Monday-itis hurts and occasional mental health days are needed to remain productive when you  are  at work), but for those who are really struggling with mental health issues - the thing that will get them through is support and NOT condescension.
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Society - note to self - listen to the messages you  are sending to the people. Words and actions are very powerful and do effect people more than you realize.
It is time we stop sending mixed messages about how it feels and how to cope with a Mental health issue. We are starting to see some high profile Sports stars and celebrities reveal their own battles, and the industries they  are in have often repeated the same message of support - which sometimes cannot be done any other way than giving them the space and time they need.

Let's start helping and building awareness, not accusing people of having an illness and it's associated symptoms (and life impact) that 'doesn't count'.

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