Thursday 5 November 2015

Law of attraction and synchronicity..... how they exist in my life.

Recently I was reading an article on 'the law of attraction' and 'synchronicity'. They both are quite similar and are based upon the idea whatever you do/feel/act/think is attracted to you and your surrounds.
In short - if you have had a bad few days and all you can think of and talk about is all the negative things that  are happening to you, negative things tend to continue to happen to you. It is only when you open yourself up to the positive things that you begin to notice the erray of possibility around you.
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Synchronicity goes onto say that you attract people and things who are like-minded to you, or can teach you something that you need at this point in time. An example of this might be the tough situation or break up you have recently had with a loved one. In the coming days, something or someone will come into your life to replace that 'lost' or 'broken' feeling and teach you or show you (sometimes subtly or in a way that we do not realize this until quite a while later) out of that tough point in your life.

I know - this can sound sometimes like a big load of 'spiritual guru word-smithing' - take what you will from this, but in reflecting on things that have happened to me in the past, I would have to say that there is certainly some truth to it.
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A few examples from my life....
About ten years ago when I was at one of the lowest points in my life, I was suffering from a severe bout of depression, anxiety and subsequently an eating disorder. I was on the brink of being hospitalized multiple times, I had caused my family and close friends many tears and painful memories and a whole chunk of my so-called 'prime' late teen/early twenty years were a vague blur of hurt, anger, frustration, anxiety and medical appointments. I was unable to enjoy the things most  17-19year old's would; Year 12, exams, post exam parties, socializing, final high school year celebrations, driving friends around on my 'P plate' drivers license or even the simple things like having a friend who I could converse with or laugh with.
One winters day, our family went on it's usual holiday up to a small country town 'Bright' to stay in our wooden cottage house. I vividly remember fighting with my family non stop and seeing my own parents in tears at the 'thing' that was living with them inside my body - Mum still remembers picking me up with one hand after I was inconsolable on the drive-way one a mere 34kg for my 168cm frame.
At about 9pm, I was sitting looking outside the window and a white owl purched itself on the window ledge. I had never seen an owl - they are quite rare, particularly a white owl. I still remember how it seemed to stare deep into my eyes and reach my soul.
From the next day - it was as if a renewed sense of strength was given to me and set me on a path to healing.

When we got back to school on the Monday after that weeekend, a Teacher approached me and we had a long discussion about how things were going for me and how he supported and loved me (in a non-relationship way) and was genuinely concerned for me.
That same day, a friend of mine who I was close with early in Primary school approached me and we had a similar conversation - this time with tears of support and care welling up in his eyes.
A week later, my Aunty shared with me her experiences of depression and Bulimia and how it was possible to over-come no matter how deeply buried our souls may be. Just knowing that someone had been able to feel the agony and sense of entrapment that I was feeling built my strength even more.

My soul had been touched - after that owl, it was ready to heal least begin the long road to recovery.
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About 5 years ago when my Boyfriend of 3 years left me to travel overseas, and I felt as if I was in a job which I hated - my behavior and metal health was going in a downward spiral to the point where I was verging on the point of losing control. Until I saw that same owl sitting on the fence one afternoon at work when I was about to burst into tears at the sense of helplessness I was feeling.
I immediately grew in confidence that 'things were going to be okay'. 3 months later - I went traveling the world myself, starting a new job, had re-kindles a few old friendships and was soon to meet the man I now call my Fiancee.

I still believe that it was both synchronicity and 'the law of attraction' which worked in both of those situations (and many more when I really 'ponder' my past).
It was the situation and experience I was going through that drew the things I  needed to learn and grow most to get to where i wanted to be. And - it was the changing thought process that 'things were going to be ok' that lead me to start seeing and believing good things were just around the corner.

I challenge you to take a moment to think about these ideas and see whether they resonate within you. can you think of a time or several times where synchronicity or  the law of attraction were at play?


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