Tuesday 16 February 2016

Finding your passion & Purpose - How Karla Gilbert (Champion Ironwoman & Stand up paddle boarder) lives her BEST life.

Karla – Firstly thank you so much for taking the time to answer the following ‘quick questions’ about your business and your philosophy on health, life, fitness and ‘living your passion’!

It’s really inspiring to hear from someone who has made such an impact on so many people, as well as being a Professional athlete – a wealth of knowledge and experience in the health, nutrition and wellness industry!

What exciting news that you have just released your brand new healthy snacks recipe e-book; '10 nourishing snacks'.

    Tell us a little bit about what your business is about? (e.g why you started it, what you do, how you do it….).

My Health Coaching business (www.karlagilbert.com.au)  came about as a natural progression from professional athlete for 10 years (Ironwoman), to focussing on helping others to achieve their best life through health and wellbeing. I began blogging my healthy recipes and health tips on Ironmum Karla (www.ironmumkarla.com.au) and its here that the passion really grew.  I am a level III and IV fitness trainer but prefer to view the person as a whole which is why I turned my attention to Lifestyle, Food and Wellness Coaching.  There really is no point in setting someone a fitness program if they are not doing the other things right at home in regards to their nutrition, or have emotional eating habits or issues that are stepping in the way of leading a healthy life.  This could be stress, sleep issues, relationship issues, lacking energy or simply not knowing how to cook or plan meals.

    How did you get to where you are right now? (Business and/or life).

When you are doing what you love, the world presents itself – I firmly believe that. Sure, my profile as an Ironwoman has certainly helped but this was in itself something that took a lot of dedication and persistence. I have also studied business marketing so, all these areas have seamlessly joined to where I am now.

    How would you define ‘good health’?

Good health to me is when the ‘whole you’ is flowing together. With each client I have I ask them to fill out a ‘currents of life’ graphic which is a play on words with the ocean but it clearly shows if any area of your life is requiring some attention or perhaps another area is requiring some balance. You may be eating well or exercising like a crazy person but in the end this will lead to a crash and have repercussions

    What comes to mind when you think about ‘living with PASSION and PURPOSE’? And how do you do this in your days?

Hmm, I don’t think you should have to tell yourself this each day or else it is coming from a forceful angle… Find what you love doing and work towards helping others without worrying about what money you may be paid or what someone will say.  This can all be worked out later.  If you are doing something you love, others will feel and be attracted to this.  Set the example and others will follow.

    What does a day in the life of you look like?

Phew ok, I begin every 2nd day at 5am (I alternate with my husband) and set off for an early morning stand up paddle board session.  I still compete internationally in this sport and am a Naish SUP ambassador.  Then it is straight back home at 7am to be greeted with cuddles from my two girls (5,8) and to prepare breakfast, school lunches and get the day on the go.

After drop off I’m straight into emails or seeing clients, duties at home or grocery shopping. I have a 7 week program that is delivered via e-course (www.karlagilbert.com.au/e-course) which is all set up, automatically but I offer a fitness and food diary assessments as part of this which I love doing.  Each month I present healthy cooking workshops for young girls and adults around the Gold Coast so this is another fun part of my job!  

I also try and get to the gym every 2nd day for strength work during the day so yes, I’m on the go. 

This fills up my day easily, then it’s off for school pickups before after school activities begin.  I am usually on the computer again after dinner for a small amount of time before reading a book and zoning out at around 9.30pm.

    What is most important and valuable to you?

My family and our health. Enough said!

    What is your biggest obstacle/hurdle/challenge that you have been through and how did you over-come this?

There has been many but I viewed each one as a learning experience and that everything happens for a reason. If you try and remain positive through something and not get too bogged down then it makes it a heck of a lot easier! Self-pity does no one any good.

  What’s next on the cards for you (and your business)?

I am on the finishing stages of a healthy snack recipe book that will be offered free to my cherished email subscribers.  There are a few exciting projects in the pipeline but a bit too early to talk about them yet..sorry!

9What has been your biggest achievement so far?

I used to say winning my 5 world titles but that is nothing compared to having my 2 healthy, beautiful girls

  What is the best advice you could give to women wanting to live their BEST life?

Ha, well that is a very broad statement and could mean so many different things.. If you can honestly face yourself in the mirror each day and be happy with where you’re at and doing then you’re living your best life.  Egos aside, and doing something that really is true to you is the most important factor in long term happiness. Be bold, be willing to step outside the square and be confident in your own journey. Own it baby!

THANK YOU so very much – keep doing the amazing work that you are, you are definitely inspiring a lot of people out there!!

Ash Chatfield (The Well Life Project).


  1. Thanks Ashlee for the lovely interview. I have just sharing on facebook, all the best for you and your dreams! xx

  2. Hi Karla,
    i would like some information, on your next cooking workshop, for myself & daughter. alex

    1. Hi Alex, I only have a couple more to go - before the next dates roll out. Here is the link http://www.karlagilbert.com.au/free-cooking-workshops/
