Sunday 14 February 2016

High expectations......why self expectations can be 'self destructing' and how to change your ways!

Have you ever felt as if you were never good enough?

Ever felt that no matter what you did, actually reaching your goal or dream was always just that one or two steps too far from reach?

Sometimes the weight of expectation, usually from ourselves is something that can work in positive and negative ways.

If you often find yourself with a head full of dreams, aspirations, goals, ‘if only’s’ and ‘I wish’s – but you start on your pathway for a few weeks only to be deterred by the huge expectations you have set for yourself not being reached……you are definitely not alone.

I am a prime candidate for this title.

Sometimes it has lead me to places I never imagined, or to do or try things that many people would never do out of fear.
Sometimes, it has taken me to places where I have put so much energy, passion, spirit and heart into trying to do the best and be the best at whatever it is I am aiming for – meaning that if any obstacles get in the way or any bumps in the road arise, it is so off-putting that I will find myself in tears or running thoughts through my brain like an over-stimulated 2 year old (who has probably had 3 bars of chocolate and is running around with hands in the air squealing up and down the hallways of the house it lives in)….which let me tell you, is incredibly exhausting.

One things about trying to change careers, and setting up your own business is having to face these thoughts, challenges, doubts and unsettling ‘missed goals’. I am absolutely ALL FOR thinking positive and using the power of your thoughts (Try reading ‘The Science of getting rich’, by Walter E Wallis) to get to the place where you most want to be. But sometimes – it is just bloody hard.

I started this business venture with so much excitement and anticipation. I wanted to do this, that, battle out with the top guru’s in my chosen field, make a name for myself in my industry, have clients coming out of my ears, have regular lectures on my passion.
Ha – the only thing that I forgot was that these things will take time. I wanted to have the world at the click of my fingers. And as amazing and positive as that sounds – realistically, I could very well get to this point, but trying to do it over a few weeks or the first month was going to be one giant hell of a learning curve!!

My expectations were, and I guess always have been a part of my ‘perfectionist’ personality. I want to do well in all that I do – be it achieve a promotion at work, become the most popular girl at school (haha – yeah, as ridiculous as it sounds now being an actual adult where school girl popularity doesn’t exactly cut it in a grown up world…….aside from the fact that it makes not one ounce of difference in my happiness!!), being the fastest runner at school, training at an intense level every day just to make sure nobody else was doing a better job of it than me, working myself ragged until sickness or exhaustion set in just so I could do all the things that I thought I needed to do to be successful (which I often later found out that most people didn’t even bat an eyelash at because they knew it wouldn’t make a huge difference….leaving me being seen as the regular ‘high achiever’ or ‘goody two-shoes’).
Whatever I choose to do – I have my own set of expectations to do it well – and bloody well!! It’s possible isn’t it?

Let’s look at this closely.
Take your own high expectations. Now think to yourself, would you expect these from your best friend or close family?
Well why in the world would you put all that unrealistic pressure on yourself??
What good is it going to do to have not only a challenging and often energy zapping situation or goal, when you’ve got the added pressure from yourself to do an incredibly amazing job in a short amount of time?

Last time I checked – I dream of Jeannie (50’s – 60’s TV show about a Jeannie granting wishes!) did not exist in today’s world and nobody has the power to magically click their fingers to be able to meet their biggest, wildest dreams in that very moment. But wouldn’t it be awesome if it were true!!!

If expectation is working in a positive way – it’s incredibly helpful and powerful in being able to push you to do the things that your heart knows it can, and challenge itself past the Negative Nancy voice that sometimes likes to be heard over the top of all of the other rational thoughts.
Thinking positive about your future and thinking your way into achieving what you really want is a special thing and something that many of us only wish we had – a skill that for many of us is brought about by taking time to reflect on the thought patterns you have formed as habit over your years of life.

So – how do I change my thoughts into something more realistic, positive and helpful? You can start by beginning to listen to and be more aware of your reactions and responses to situations or the environment around you (emotions, physical reactions, thoughts, fears).

Write down your goals for the future. Reflect on these for a moment. Ask yourself – WHEN you hope to achieve these by? Now – ask yourself – is this realistic? Think – would you expect these outcomes to be achievable by anyone else? Re-adjust if needed.
Then, re-frame your goals.

Then – go and get some extra support from a Coach (ME!!), a Counsellor (sounds intense, but it actually saved my sanity at the end of last year – even though it was initially business related), a friend as a sounding board or even a trusted mentor who has been down the path you set for yourself.

Expectations for yourself – positive (helpful, inspiring, motivating) versus negative (anxiety creating, high pressure, often debilitating).
Which would you prefer??

There are still places remaining for the next round of my ‘Passionate & Purposeful wellbeing program’.
We work through weekly goals over a three - month period, while you are given valuable learning activities/workshops/podcasts/webinar access and regular online training.

Get on board before it sells out and contact me to find out a little bit more about how it all works.

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