Friday 23 August 2013

A little 'happy' reminder....

After attending a 'happiness workshop' earlier in the week, I was reminded again of the importance of taking time out regularly to focus on the things that really matter in life; your happiness.

The workshop first asked us to think about the things that make me happy, be it something small such as painting your nails, or something larger such as travelling. The point was, until we know what makes us smile and feel a sense of ease, fulfilment and an 'inner glow', how can we expect to be living each day positively and happy?
Here are some key points to consider when thinking about how happy you are, and whether you are doing things that can set your day off wit a 'bang'!!

1) List anything and everything that you enjoy doing (big or small!!), and come up with your top 3-5 'happy creators',
2) Brainstorm how you can include at least 1 of your top 3-5 in each day, do you have to change anything or do anything differently?
3) Create a 'reverse bucket list' by writing down all of the things you have achieved in your lifetime (e.g. Getting a job or role you love, completing a degree/diploma, completing a 10km fun run, volunteering for a poor community, buying/renovating a house, back backing through Europe.......)
4) Optimism: Write down 3 examples of times when you approached things negatively (e.g. A new job, a reduced income, a change in plans etc.). Now 're-frame' your thoughts to change those 3 things into 3 positive or optimistic things (e.g. My Friend cancelled on me for coffee = Oh well, now I've got an extra hour free, perhaps I can go shopping or go to that yoga class I've been meaning to get to).
Attitude is everything!!!!
5) Write down a list of the things you dream about and hope to achieve in'll be amazed at how much more straightforward and attainable they get once they're written on paper!!
6) Often our environment can effect the way we feel. If we wake up to a messy kitchen, our clothes aren't washed and ironed ready for the work day ahead, we have no food in the cupboard to make breakfast - it sets our day off with negativity and 'stress'.
7) Health and happiness are directly related. Come up with a list of things that make you feel strong, energised and confident in your body,
8) Think about your work/study. Write down the top 10 things you enjoy about your work/study. It's funny how we often forget why we are in a certain field. If you really can't think of anything, Then perhaps its time to push yourself into doing something you love!
9) The effect of helping others has a large effect on happiness. Brainstorm 10 things you could do to bring happiness to someone else's life. It could be cooking a meal for your grandma, volunteering at a local charity, or even buying energy saving light bulbs!
10) Never under-estimate the power of 'you time! Think about the things that bring you happiness. What do you do to relax? Perhaps its swimming, going down to the beach, photography, going to the movies, meditating. Now think about how much time each week you spend on yourself. Do you thin this is enough? What things can you change to allow more 'you time' each week?
11) Try doing something new! Brainstorm some simple things you can do to break your routine and enjoy doing. It may be trying a new restaurant or starting a new hobby.

Finally - with all of the 'happiness building' in mind. Create a list of goals (best not to give yourself more than 2 or 3 each week to prevent you feeling 'overwhelmed'!) to include in your week to make sure that you are living life 'happy' and positively, such as making a weekly catch up with a girlfriend, getting 8 hours sleep, Exercising 4 days a week....After all, you only live once!!

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