Thursday 1 August 2013

Im grateful for.......

Keeping a gratitude journal can be really helpful if you're struggling to find the happiness in your days.
I have tried it in the past, and found that particularly after a bad day, or week (as you space your diary out over time and practise), if I could write down 3-5 things that I was grateful for; it helped me to see past the negativity.
They have been shown by many studies to have a range of impressive benefits - including better sleep, fewer symptoms of illness, and more happiness among adults and kids alike.

So how do your write a 'gratitude diary'?
In the first week, write down 3 things that you are grateful for in your day. this could be anything from the sun was shining, you caught up with a friend, you were able to go for a run, or even had a good sleep the night before.
The second week, space this out to every second day. The third week, space it out to two-three times a week.

The idea is to 'kick' your brain into looking at the positive sides of every day, and not looking at the negative; which can easily spiral into a headache of a day/week or a lingering sense of feeling down about life :-(

Give it a go! It will take three to five minutes out of your day; it can't hurt to try :-)

*If you want something 'cute' and made up already, 'Kikki K' ( and many other stationary retailers sell ready made gratitude diaries
* You can even use digital/online journals straight from your office desk! Try excuses now :-)

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