Tuesday 15 March 2016

How to make your life FULL of abundance.

We hear all this talk about 'living an abundant life' - but what is abundance and how are we supposed to 'be abundant'??
Abundance means plenty, or a very large quantity of something. It also means being aware that it is around us at all times, if we choose to see it.
Today's world has developed into a place where for many of us, we feel inadequate or as if we don't have enough of something in some way; 'we aren't smart enough' - as if there are only limited amounts of intelligence in this world, 'we aren't pretty enough', again as if there are only limited amounts of good looks to go around, 'we aren't good enough' as if 'good' is something we have to keep tabs on and only a specific few may have it.

In real terms - It is the innate tendency of nature to grow and become more. It is the tendency of the life force to produce more, and create more of everything. There are always new trees, new plants, more fruit and new grass.
New things are being constantly invented; new cars are being produced; new houses are being built, and new jobs are created.
Abundance is everywhere in the Universe, and it can also appear in your personal life, if you let it.
People often associate abundance with money. Wealth, and having a lot of money is abundance, but abundance manifests in many other ways, not only as bucket loads of money and possessions. One thing about material possessions is that they will NEVER bring fulfillment - this can be hard for clients to step away from, including me; I was always looking for something 'extra' to own to make me feel like I had an adequate life. 
  • There is abundance in love.
  • There is abundance of friendships.
  • There is abundance of opportunities.
  • There is abundance of fun.
  • There is abundance of food.
  • It is possible to have abundance of good deeds.
  • It is possible to possess abundance of energy.
  • There is abundance of trees, grass or water.
  • You can create for yourself abundance of time.
  • You could also have abundance of spirituality in your life.
  • There is abundance of everything on this planet. You may not have access to this abundance, because you alienate yourself from it, and prevent it from manifesting in your life.

To attract abundance into your life, you need to feel abundant. 
It means becoming aware of the existence of abundance, of feeling it in your life, and of connecting with it, even if it doesn't seem to be a part of your life at this moment. This kind of consciousness means, feeing and believing that you are a part of it.
We can further break this down into three tasks to do each day to create and FEEL this abundance:
Sacred discipline - I know what you're thinking, I can't do discipline, it's too restrictive and I can't even be disciplined enough to say no to that piece of cake thats being offered around the office!! Let's take a closer look at your primary foods. Making sure that your basic foods; Food, sleep, hydration and exercise should be present in your day to day life is just as important as getting enough foods for your soul; self care and spiritual practice. 
Turn up the trust - Learn to acknowledge and accept that life is happening as it is meant to. It will bring you the right people at the right time and the right experiences for the right reasons. 
1) Try creating a 'trust box'. Get yourself an old shoe box and decorate it to your hearts desire.When you find yourself in moments of worry or anxiety, write it down then fold it up and place it in the trust bin. Then - forget about it. By doing a physical action, it helps you learn to trust that things will work out. Let the worry go and leave it in it's box.
2) Create a 'universe to-do list'. Get a big piece of paper. Divide it into two halves with one side being 'to-do list today', and the other being your universe list (things you'd love to do but have no idea when or how). The universe list allows you to open the thought out into the universe, trust that it will eventually happen. Keep the 'to-do list today' side and throw away the universe list (just trust!!).
Living as if - Think about the following questions;
If I'm already abundant, how would I live? What would my responses to the challenges I face today be like? What would I be doing? How would I be living my days? What actions would you be doing consistently? What would you say Yes or No to? Who would you be around? How would you feel? What things would you let go of?
1) Capture your vision by writing it as clear and specific as you can, answering all of the above questions and including all of the goals you want to achieve.
2) Choose ONE of these actions in your vision to take away and commit to start working on this week. 
And for those days where you feel like one big worry wart, where everything seems to be going wrong and you have a real sense of being overwhelmed - try the 'just flip it' game. Whatever it is you want more of (e.g affection from your partner, the house to be clean etc....), do it for someone else. Whatever it is that you want, you are going to do it for someone else. this may be a small and trivial thing - but I guarantee as big or small as a 'flip it' action may be, it will change your outlook straight away!!

Okay - abundance, CHECK........get out there and live your abundant life girlfriend!!! xxx

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