Friday 15 November 2013

How exercise starts a cycle of 'awesomeness' in your life.... :-)

WE all know that exercise is great for us - not only for our health, mind and body, but it also seems to magically set a natural 'healthy cycle' up for us without us even realising!

As I was out riding through the beautiful country side, green open hills and crisp morning air this morning - I started the think about all of the things than seem to transpire by themselves as exercise becomes part of our daily routine.

1) Have you ever noticed that you often eat a wider variety and more nutritious foods and drinks? I think subconsciously, our body knows that without giving it the fuel it requires to keep up our exercise routines, we often feel more lethargic, grumpy and un-motivated. It also knows that skipping meals and trying to replace them with a strong coffee will not work in giving you slow released energy or helping your metabolism!!

2) Your alcohol intake seems to be cut down (well...maybe not completely...yes, unfortunately red wine and an ice cold beer on a summers afternoon hits the spot no matter how much exercise I do!!!!), from over-indulging every Friday and/or Saturday night (or perhaps mid-week for those that get a little excited!!) to the point of a hangover to a simple couple of glasses at the most; just to 'hit the spot' relatively speaking. I suppose knowing that you won't be able to enjoy and get that 'kick' out of your workout the next day if you can't even contemplate opening up the curtains or waking up before midday!

3) You tend to get more accomplished each day. I always remember our school Principal telling us the "the people who are most busy, are the most organised, and tend to get the most out of their day". That saying - I believe is true! If I keep myself busy, running errands, doing odd jobs, working, socialising, and of course- exercising, I find that my days naturally become a lot more satisfying and I achieve a lot more in a few hours than what I would if I over-procrastinate, sleep in and stop - start my way through the day. If I set my alarm for the morning to exercise, I suddenly become much more energies and ready to complete as many tasks in a day as I can think of!!

4) Your energy levels are heightened for hours after exercising. I have found that not exercising for 2 or more days in a  row, I often become lazy and develop a sever lack of motivation to achieve anything! Perhaps it is the endorphins released with a the completion of a 'sweat session', or even just the feeling of having completed a 'challenge'/task - my energy levels are always higher and my head is much more clear if I do get moving!!

5) You tend to be able to deal with life's challenges with a lot more realism and calmness than if you keep getting ready to start exercising consistently 'next week'! I have over-come and 'dug myself out' of many down times, negative thoughts, or unwanted life events by making sure I do some sort of activity to get my blood flowing. Even something as small as a 20-30minute walk can help to keep you going, take your negative thoughts away from whatever is weighing you down , and come away with a much clearer picture of the issue and your 'plan of attack'. Its amazing how some fresh air and oxygen can take an "Oh my god, I can't deal with this!" moment to an "Ok - so this has happened, but this is how I'm going to deal with it" moment!

6) You sleep better. If you're tired and have used your muscles and your mind during the day - you will sleep much better and remain asleep for much of the night. You will find that you don't wake up restless at 3am, struggling to get back to sleep, but rather dream the night away without your legs feeling hot, bothered and agitated!!

So - what are you waiting for? There is plenty of merit in getting yourself into a lifelong routine of exercising at least 5 days a week for a minimum of thirty minutes (as Government recommendations state!). The natural cycle of feeling amazing, energised, and goal oriented somehow becomes uncovered and enters your life with a 'bang'!!
Go on - it's addictive!!!!


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