Saturday 23 November 2013

The power of a compliment... :-)

So how often in the last week have you paid a compliment to a friend, work colleague, family member or even a 'passer by'?? Yes - we're all guilty of being so caught up in the pace of our own lives, that sometimes we forget how important and effective it is to provide compliments to one another.

The other day after coming home from a really long day...the lady living in the apartment above mine, who I had never met before, said "You look great lately - you must be a personal Trainer?". With a giggle similar to that of a nervous school girl, I grinned with a great big 'Thanks lovely!'. I guess often she happens to walk past my window on her way to work, to be greeted by me sweating it out on my bike (clearly my most graceful moments!), doing some quick weights or yoga stretches - but hey, a compliment is a compliment and it definitely made my day!!
Here are some great reasons to share in a few compliments today -

**It takes the focus off of you.
Any time you can break the habit of negative thought processes even just for a second, you’re shifting your attention from all the things going wrong in your day and putting it on helping make someone else’s day a little sunnier. Before long, your compliment to a complete stranger could go viral, and strangers everywhere will be smiling at each other, telling the person they just passed on the street something they like about them. Yes, this is indeed a game changer for everyone.
 **Smiling burns calories.
 And smiling often leads to laughing, and laughing burns even more calories.
**Compliments spark creativity.
Finding something positive to say to someone at least once a day has to the power to remove, say, that person’s mental block around a big project they’ve been struggling with and clear the pathways for them to get to the solution.  While something this drastic might not happen to each person who receives a compliment from you, you will undoubtedly create a space for them to think differently from that moment on. Small acts of kindness go a long way these days.
**Kindness doesn’t actually kill.
We’ve all heard the phrase “kill them with kindness.” Well, if the fear of killing someone with kindness has prevented you from complimenting a person, I hereby release you from said fear. Kindness could quite possibly kill a bad mood or a bad memory, but it WILL NOT kill you or the person on the other end of the kindness. Don’t believe me? Try it! Be nice to someone right now and see what happens.
**Sincere compliments build trust.
 Each one of us walking this planet has the desire to be acknowledged. When someone else notices even the slightest thing about another person, it can shout to that person, “Hey!  Someone noticed me!!” Your daily compliments to “the shy one” at work whose name no one knows can help her break out of her shyness and, who knows? turn her into the best friend you’ve ever had. We all need someone in our lives we can trust, and the more we build up others the more we’re also building up ourselves.
**What goes around comes around.
When you give a compliment, you’re more than likely going to get one in return. When someone notices you, you’ll feel special even if it’s just for a moment. That moment could be enough to carry you the rest of the day and keep you happy and productive. Your boss might notice the change in your attitude and give you the raise that’s been coming to you for the last two years. You’ll be happier, your co-workers will be happier and pretty soon the whole office building is happy. And yet again we have things going and coming around.
**Compliments are F.R.E.E.!
So from something as simple as a smile, to a friendly comment about what your friend is wearing, to something more deep and sincere such as how a friend as such a great friend. each is just as important and needed as the next.
Just think of it as your good deed for the day - at least one compliment released EVERY day Gorgeous Girl! And do not forget - if you're lucky enough to receive one, accept it with a great big smile!

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