Sunday 21 July 2013

Breakfast for all......yes - you can claim you are a 'champion' too :-)

Yes girls.... despite wanting that extra 10mins to snooze (thinking about having to get up - which, I'm sure makes the process a LOT harder!!)...breakfast is for 'champions'!!!!

Without a delicious healthy breakfast, you will feel a lot less alert, find yourself reaching for an often unhealthy snack choice as you are sooo 'famished', AND to make it worse; your metabolism does not get it's wake up for the day (meaning you have already set yourself behind the 'eight ball' to get your body burning it's fat stores faster!).

Can’t fit in time for breakfast? The try these delicious and energy sustaining treats....

-          Yogurt sprinkled with seeds and nuts (Try almonds, sunflower, chia, pumpkin, sesame) with a light drizzle of honey and coconut or Berries!!

-          Cook up some boiled eggs early in the week and store them in your fridge to grab on the go*(Great chopped up with cherry tomato, parsley, chilli and a light drizzle of lemon juice – for those savoury lovers!) *For a hit of extra Omega 3’s, throw in some mixed seeds!).

-          Whole grain toast (Make your own on the weekend or store some in the freezer) with ABC spread or avocado – eat it in the car!!

-          Soak some oats overnight with some grated apple, banana, berries, honey, yogurt and cinnamon to grab and eat on the way to work!

-          Make your own breakfast bars or breakfast loaf early in the week to pre-pack for the week ahead. (Carmen’s muesli bar range are a better choice from the shelf – keep an eye on the sugar and additives!)

-          Smoothie (fruit, yogurt, cinnamon, ice, protein/wellbeing powder with skim milk).

-          Freshly squeezed juice (carrot, celery, apple, beetroot and ginger is a great kick-start and cleanser!)

-          Baked beans (low sodium).

-          Make your own granola (Toast oats in raw honey/molasses, cinnamon, coconut, dried fruit, sesame and sunflower seeds, cinnamon or whatever your taste buds desire!!) to mix with a dollop of yogurt and low fat/soy/goats milk in a Tupperware container.

-          Ryvita with low fat ricotta and strawberries.

Forgotten to eat breakfast? Some ‘better choices’ from your local cafĂ©.....

-          Green, white or black Tea (excellent antioxidants) or a skinny latte (no sugar!)

-          Whole grain toast (very light spread of butter or jam).

-          McDonalds – Yogurts, Egg Mc-muffin (no cheese or bacon :-P), fresh fruit, cereal range.

-          Supermarket/convenience store – yogurt, fruit, low fat milk (check the sugar!!!), protein milk

-          Egg, spinach and tomato wrap (watch the bacon (fat trimmed) and cheese (Fetta is better than tasty or cheddar).
Enjoy the change and let me know how it goes in 2 weeks!!!!

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