Monday 1 July 2013

Goal to be well on your way to achieving your dreams :-)

The importance of setting yourself goals, both for the short (next day or few weeks), and long (months and years) term has been recognised by anyone who has achieved awesome things in their lives.
Be it weight loss or fitness goals, sporting achievements, work promotions, financial or travel goals; with so many conflicting day to day 'chores' in our lives, it really does help to sit own and decide what is most important to you and how you are going to achieve it.
Without a goal, it is so easy to get side-tracked from remembering 'the bigger picture'. It also makes it hard to visualise the process of reaching that goal (to many it will seem quite unattainable and sometimes over-whelming- me included!!).

So - with the help of the Australian swimming 'come-back' King; Geoff Huegill ('Be your best'), here are some ideas and plans for you to sit down and start making your goals a reality! Is also a fantastic link on goal setting, why it is important, how we can do it, as well as providing a 'goal setting template' for you to start recording and setting your own goals...and yes- it is women and user friendly :-)

Yes - homework for today - but it will set you up for months!!! :-)

Go you 'Gorgeous Girl'!!


So how do I create my own ‘code of conduct’ for a better life.........(Adapted from Geoff Huegill – ‘Be your best’.

1.      Define the person that you want to be. Think about this; what kind of person am i striving to become?

2.      Describe key actions that exemplify the person you have just described. Specify that behaviour that would typify the best you.

3.      Identify and write down specific behaviour/s you can commit to and practise regularly in order to live the life you’ve declared for yourself.

4.      Remind yourself frequently of your commitment to acting in ways that are consistent with your ‘declared self defined identity’.

5.      Several times a day, stop yourself and assess your actions. How consistent are they with the goal which you are striving towards? What do you need to do so that you are, in fact, acting in accord with your own self conduct?
Seven secrets to getting ‘into shape’....(Adapted from Geoff Huegill – be your best).

1)      Set realistic goals and a realistic time frame (No need to try and climb Everest!!)

2)      Get balance (e.g don’t banish everything from your diet; think the 80 'healthy'-20 'less healthy' rule!)

3)      Live your new plan EVERY day (not every second or third day).

4)      Surround yourself with positive and like minded individuals. It is difficult to be self-motivated every day.
5)      Have self belief. You are going to get out of bed, off the couch and fight for your ‘change’!
      6)      Don’t think you are going to be perfect. Everyone has down days. Just be the best you can be on every given day.

     7)      To bring out your ‘inner champion’, play to your strengths, manage your weakness’ but don’t be obsessed by them.



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