Monday 15 July 2013

Coffee me up!!

I do love a good coffee - and after travelling overseas to return to Melbourne, who has to be rated one of the best places in the world for a great 'cuppa'- I've become quite impartial to the delicious warm, caffeine filled beverage mid-morning!!
But are some options 'healthier' than others?? Should I choose a flat white, long black, chai latte???

If kilojoules and sugar content are the main culprits for making our addiction look not so 'lovely', then think about the following choices:
**Always opt for skim milk (unless of course you're heavily training to work off the 'energy in - energy out' rule).
Best choices:
Piccolo (100kj),
Espresso (2-3kj),
Small Skim latte (600kj with some added calcium & protein from milk),
Long black (6kj).

Okay option:
Skinny cappuccino (240kj - but added sugar from the choccy sprinkle!),
Flat white (500kj - opt for a skim and a small size to bump up it's 'healthiness'),
Soy latte (Less saturated fat than normal milk, but still 5g of fat per serve which can effect weight loss if you drink a them daily or several times daily!),

Steer clear (Warning - high sugar!):
Mocha (Often comes with cream, contains 25g sugar per serve - even the 'skim' option!),
Chai latte (10g fat and 30g sugar - it's the chai flavour mix that ruins it. Try adding cinnamon or nutmeg to get a similar flavour to skim milk, tea or café latte),
Caramel latte (well - the 'caramel' says it all - 20g sugar and 10g fat!),
Iced coffee (I know - yummy on hot days, but more than 800kj a serve and 40g or 8 teaspoons of sugar - NO!).
So....when you walk to the local café (*note the 'walk' in that sentence :-)  ), think about the 'Best choices', check out the sugar and fat content and choose a small size with skim milk.
Or - swap a coffee for an antioxidant boosting cup of green/white/rooibos tea!!

One last thing - Try to keep the caffeine between meals. Caffeine can effect your bodies ability to absorb iron, which can make us even more tired :-(

Happy Coffee o'clock Gorgeous Girls!

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