Wednesday 3 July 2013

Why we really love sunshine!!! :-)

Absolutely loving the extra sunshine we're getting at the moment - and for a Melbourne girl, sunshine doesn't come every day!!!!

It just has such a positive effect on the day, making you somehow more productive, motivated and happier with life!
How can something millions of miles away from us have such an effect and what is it really doing to our bodies??

- Increases our levels of Vitamin D (important in calcium uptake for bone strength),
- Increases Melatonin levels (involved in 'mood lifting'!),
- It helps to improve 'seasonal affective disorder', which effects people's 'mood',
- Some evidence that moderate levels of sunshine each day can increase our immunity and help to ward off diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis and Cancers,
- Gets us outside more often, which generally causes us to be more active...

Not sure about you, but I'm impressed by the power of nature (yet again!).

It is recommended that 10-15 minutes of sunshine on your skin each day is beneficial to our health. Just make sure you are not out in the sun for prolonged periods between the hours of 10am and 3pm, particularly if you do not have sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses or UV protective clothing (Slip, Slop, Slap everyone!).

I'm off - time to expose myself for 10 minutes and reap the benefits!! :-)

Keep up that smile Gorgeous Girls XX

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