Wednesday 17 July 2013

Love yourself first....throw off that towel!! :-P

After a delightful and fresh morning swim (if you saw a pic of me right now, you'd notice the awesome 'goggle marks' imprinted around my eyes!), I sprinted into the change rooms to beat the other ladies into the hot showers.
Looking around the room, it was funny to watch the way people act when they are somewhat 'forced' to 'bear all' to get themselves changed.
There were the odd older ladies, who seemed to be oblivious to everyone around them; as they put talcum powder and moisturiser on EVERY crevice of their body.
But, the majority seemed to be trying to balance their bathers or towel to cover as much of their womanly figures as possible. There were some, who I would go as far as to say that looked absolutely petrified of letting anyone see an inch of skin, as they kept their tense eyes looking down at their belongings, saying nothing.

It made me think about how we seem to have been born with (or perhaps it has frown on us with pressure from the media, or to have a 'super-model figure...take note ladies; one in about a million women in the world actually are supermodels!!!), such a timid and negative view about how we look, that we can't even be comfortable getting dressed in front of other women!

Being a PE teacher, I would regularly have girls who would refuse to get changed when anyone else was in the change room because they were so body conscious!!

Take note of this quote ladies.........!!

How can we be confident, happy, content, resilient and strong if we don't even like who or what we are?
Take note
 - We all have the same body parts!!
- If everyone looked exactly the same, we would be boring,
- If you don't love yourself, how can you expect anyone else to?
- Healthy is better than skinny,
- Happy is better than feeling inadequate as soon as you look in the mirror.

Your are the most important, brilliant, individual and strong creature that has been made on this earth.
You are you Gorgeous Girl; and that we LOVE :-)

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