Sunday 28 July 2013

How do we keep up that motivation when all we want to do is 'sleep in'!!???

Yes - if we were all celebrities with millions of dollars to spend on hiring a Personal trainer to get us out of bed each day to participate in an hour or two of 'hard yakka' physical challenges, as well as watch every ounce of food and drink that we consume....things would be a lot more achievable!

But why not equip ourselves with the power to push through the lazy days and keep up a consistent fitness, health and over-all wellbeing routine? It would definitely be much cheaper, but also give yourself the satisfaction and sense of inner strength if you can do it all yourself!!

Most of us started exercising for a certain reason; be it to lose weight, improve our fitness levels, to be able to keep up with our kids, give ourselves a stress release, be able to run in a fun run or a confidence boost. So doesn't it make sense to keep reminding ourselves of the reason why we are working our bodies in the first place?
1) Find the deep meaning for your change (exercise, training program, diet etc).
Make a list or brainstorm the main reasons why you want to continue to be 'fit and healthy'. Pin this up somewhere that you can see it each day, and use it to remind yourself when you feel like curling up on the couch.

2) Visualise what it feels like to be doing your training when you have a 'good day'. Perhaps the sun was shining, you felt a sense of 'Yes - I can do this, and I'm feeling strong!', or you just enjoyed the satisfied feeling that you wore at the end of the session. Keep thinking of this to help get you going!

3) Find a quote that really 'hits' or 'clicks' with you, to keep you motivated and focussed on what you want to achieve (perhaps there are several). Write these on a drink bottle that you always use, stick them on your bathroom mirror or on your fridge door, get yourself a necklace or bracelet engraved with these quotes, if you use a diary each day; write it on the front cover or have it as your background of your phone or computer. You'll be surprised at how effective a simple reminder can be when you're feeling flat!

Remember - those that succeed are the ones that DO!! So get out there Gorgeous Girls! Xxx

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