Wednesday 10 July 2013

Healthy eating vs....'diet eating'...

Ok, so I will admit, I know the background of healthy eating, what a healthy diet consists of...but still have that little voice in the back of my head (like many of you I'm sure!) that feels guilt for perhaps eating more than what my 'brain' or the 'diet plan' tells me.
The thing is...if you want to be active, happy, relaxed and able to enjoy the things that require energy and decent amounts of physical activity; you have to really be careful that the 'diet' isn't taking over from logic.
Unfortunately, the evidence suggests otherwise (and yes - I do agree, there definitely is an obesity problem in developed nations such as our 'great southern land'). Looking at tiny frames of teenage girls, even some of the Personal training/fitness/weight loss groups aimed at women still seem to use pictures of women who are unnaturally thin...being able to see your ribs and hip bones is not a natural healthy look girls!
There is still some sense of 'achievement' in being labelled 'skinny'; the debate whether it is brought on by societal pressures or not is still out there. Of course, my highest praise is sent out to women who have worked super hard to reduce excess and unhealthy fat levels. However, there is such a fine line between losing the weight to a healthy level and losing the weight to the point of feeling lethargic and restricted every day.
What is 'healthy'?...according to the dictionary, health is.....
  1. in good condition: in good physical or mental condition
  2. beneficial to health: helping to maintain or bring about good health
  3. suggestive of good health: showing that somebody is in good health
Synonyms: fit, well, strong, vigorous, in good physical shape, hale and hearty, in the pink, in fine fettle

So Gorgeous Girls; if you are feeling exhausted, tired, depressed, anxious and irritable - you are not 'healthy'.
To my sisters out there who love their sports - you can't keep going at a high level to see results if you are not fuelling your body. I am a culprit in recent times; which prompted me to write about this issue. I changed and increased the amount of food I'm eating (while eating 'healthy options' such as Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins, low fat dairy etc), and what do you know! Within a couple of days; my face looked brighter, I had the energy to complete the workouts and extra catch ups with friends, and I was able to deal with day to day issues a lot easier than when I wasn't getting enough fuel for my body.

So...If you're feeling the extra pressure to be 'super thin'. Remember, if it is starting to stop you doing the things that you want to do in 'super thin' really worth it??

I vote a healthy, strong and happy woman!!! Just think about it :-)

Love and hugs Gorgeous Girl Xxx

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